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Xiao Zhan

"Xiao Zhan!"

Yibo called out again. 

"Yes Yibo?"

"I forgot to ask you. Do you want to stay here for the night?"

He asked. I looked at Xu Kai and he shrugged his shoulders.

"I think Zhanny should go home. You need to be early on the set, right? Do you want me drive you?"

"No need, I'll just drive him home, since we're living under one roof."
Yibo said, never taking his eyes off of me.

I trailed off, not knowing what to say.

I looked at the both of them, feeling like I'm stuck between going to Xu Kai or to listen to Wang Yibo.

"Let's go inside, your parents are waiting. They have another surprise for you."

Wang Yibo grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.

"Yibo... Wait... I-"

I looked at Xu Kai with embarrassment and he just nodded smiling.

"Yibo, what are you doing?"
I murmured. I unclasp from his grip and faced him.

"You need to spend time with your family first, they are really waiting, and they want to spend this day with you."

I bit my lip and nodded.

He's right. My parents misses me, and it's not all the time that we get to spend time together.

Wang Yibo and I entered the room and walked towards my mom.

"Baobei, look who's here?"
My mom exclaimed. I walked faster and was surprised to see my baby!


I jumped towards them and hugged my cat.

"Peanut, I really miss you."
I showered my cat with kisses all over. She purred at me and I can't help but miss her all the more.

"He misses you too, baobei. She said, you should visit home too."

Mom said.

"I will, mom. Soon."

"This little boy really love his cat more than his mom."

She looked like she was about to cry, as tears are now forming in her eyes.

"Mom, that's not true!" I moved closer to mom and pulled her into a hug.

"My baby will always be a baby to me."
She sniffed and patted my head. Like a little boy, I snuggled closer, trying to take in mom's scent in me. Daddy also stepped in and enveloped us in his arms.


It was already 12 midnight, so we decided to go home. I fixed my things and even helped mom do the dishes.

"Are you sure you're okay here, mom, dad?"

I asked them as we walked towards the gate. Xu Kai was also there with us, it seems like his mood was lightened up compared to earlier.

"Of course, we can manage ourselves. You should go home now and rest."
Daddy pat my shoulders and mom also seconded.

Xu Kai spoke as he faced me.

"Don't worry, Zhanny, I will take care of them."
He said and give me an assuring look.

"Alright, if you say so. Goodbye then. Thank you so much for tonight."

I hugged my parents one more time and turned towards Kai.

"Bro, thank you." I hugged him too. I can sense his lips forming a smile on my shoulders. He tapped my back gently and I tapped his in return.

"Yibo, I'll leave Zhan too you. Thank you so much for your efforts, I really appreciate it."
Dad said, looking at Wang Yibo.

Yibo bowed in respect and gave them his smile.

We waved goodbye at them as we went to where his car was parked.

We hopped in his car, started the engine, and he started driving.

The both of us are really silent, and the only thing that lightens up the mood was his stereo.

"Oh my heart hurt so good, I love you babe. So bad. So bad. Ohh."

I started singing. This is one of my favorite English song, and I also love this singer.

"Do you like that song?"
Wang Yibo asked me, his eyes are focused on the road.

I exclaimed. I continued singing.

"Yeah and you need to know
That nobody could take your place, your place."

Wang Yibo also sing along with me.

"And you need to know
That I'm hella obsessed with your face, your face"

The car stopped in the red light, and we faced each other and duet.

"Oh, my heart hurts so good
I love you, babe, so bad, so bad, oh
Oh, my heart hurts so good
I love you, babe, so bad, so bad."

We laughed at each other as the song ended.

"I didn't know you also like that song! You have good taste."
I said to him. Green lights were flashed on the traffic light and Wang Yibo started driving again.

"I love everything you love."

I heard a reply, but since it was too faint, I have to ask him again what did he just said.

"What was that?"

"Nothing." He replied, but the smile on his lips didn't disappear.
I wanted to press on more, like I wanted to hear what he meant by that, but I was afraid he won't be honest with me. So instead, I asked him another question.

"Wang Yibo, this will be a long drive. It is I think, another one hour drive for us. Are you sure you can manage?"

"Of course.  I wouldn't mind if you are my passenger. Just sit back and relax."
He winked at me and showed his beautiful smile.

My heart went frenzy and my cheeks felt hot. I am not used to be winked at by another person, let alone a guy. But I felt something in me I don't even understand.

I stretched my arms, trying to ease whatever is bothering my being and yawned hard.

Right, maybe I'm just too sleepy.

"You can sleep if you want to. You can stay at the back seat so that you'll be comfortable."

"No, I'll stay here."
I insisted. I looked at him intently and smiled widely.

"Thank you so much,didi. Thank you for making my birthday wonderful and one of a kind."

"Anything for you, Zhan-ge."

I yawned real hard again. I feel drained and my eyes felt heavier, and everything went black.

I can sleep well knowing I'm with Wang Yibo and I'm safe and sound with him.


Hi guys! 👋

I edited this chapter, I hope you liked it.

Please give me your thoughts, vote, comment and share. Thank you so much! xoxo

-Yana Auserwault

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