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Third Person's POV

Xiao Zhan drove fast as he could, even overtaking some cars in front of him. He needed to see Wang Yibo tonight. He needed to tell him everything.

I like you, Wang Yibo. I don't care what other people will say. I really like you. I fancy you. I want you. I love you. You are my soulmate. I don't want anyone but you-it can't be anyone but you.

He practiced these lines over and over again in his head. He wants to be brave and be himself when he sees him.

After a while of racing in the streets, he finally reached his destination.

He quickly took an elevator and went to Yibo's room.

He softly knocked on the door.


No one answered. He pressed the doorbell, still no response.

"Did he leave already?"

His heart pounded, regret sinking in.

He decided to take his spare key and opened the door.

The lights were out, so he's sure that he's not here anymore. It seems like Yibo left him forever.

He went inside and sit on a chair.

Am I too late?

Darkness filled his sight, he didn't bother to switch on the lights. When he stood up and prepare himself to leave, he was startled when the light suddenly switched on.

"Holy fucking shit!"
Wang Yibo cursed out loud when he noticed someone is standing in front of him.

"Didi, it's me."
He helped Yibo straighten up.

"Zhan-ge? Why are you here?"
He asked while breathing profusely.

Zhan examined Yibo. He's wearing his pajamas and his SpongeBob shirt.

"Are you gonna wear that on your flight?"
He asked, staring at him.

"What flight?"
He tilted his head to the right, looking confused.

"Nevermind. Lan Zhan, I'm here because I want to tell you something."

Yibo closed the door and face him once more.

"What is it, Zhan-ge?"

"Uhm... The thing is..."

He bit his lower lip as he was at loss for words.


"I thought that you already left. I was so scared that I won't be able to say the things that I want to say to you. I have lots of questions to ask, how will I be able to get the answers without you here? When I saw that no one is here in your apartment, I really panicked. I thought you left me, I thought ---"

He wasn't able to finish what he's saying when Yibo grabbed him and his lips were locked with Yibo's.

His eyes widened, feeling Yibo's soft lips brush his. For a while, he was so dazed at the moment, but then he closed his eyes, savoring the kiss that he longed for so long.

He started to part his lips, giving Yibo an entrance. He wrapped his arms around Wang Yibo's neck as the kiss started to deepen. Yibo's hand snaked around his waist, and he felt that he lifted him at the countertop, never breaking off the kiss.

They started to move in a rhythm that only the two of them can understand.
Suddenly, Zhan groaned with an "ah".

They parted their lips to grasp for air. Arms still around his neck, Zhan started to look at Yibo's eyes. Yibo returned the gaze with extent fervor.

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