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Xiao Zhan

I can't believe what just had happened. I slapped myself a hundred times now, thinking how foolish I am.

How I wish I could just bury myself underneath, and disappear at that moment. I felt so envious of potatoes, at least they can hide away from the world.

I need a distraction.

I turned on the TV and scanned some channels.

"The Untamed, coming soon."

Oh God, I need some distraction, not something that reminds me of him!

I quickly changed the channel.

*music rolls*
*commercial: Uniq Wang Yibo for Head and Shoulders*

"Forget it!"
I turned off the TV and throw the remote away.

It's no use!

I stood up and jog in place trying to collect myself.

"Yeah, the canvas! I didn't open it yet. Where is it?"

I found it and gladly opened it.
This must be special because that little girl made an effort to give it to me.

I was dumbfounded when I saw what was drawn inside.

I was dumbfounded when I saw what was drawn inside

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A tear rolled my eye without me realizing it.

I felt my knees soften like jelly so I sat down on my apartment floor.

Why am I like this? Do I like you, Wang Yibo? Am I losing my mind? Am I ... gay?

Questions flooded my mind and I don't even have an answer to any of these.

I never felt like this to anyone before. And I hate myself for it.

I looked at my watch, it's already 1 pm. Yibo told me last time that he has a photoshoot this day, so I think he's already there.

I quickly got up and took my keys. I need to see him. I need to confirm my feelings. I need to see him before I lose my mind.

I sneaked into Wang Yibo's agency. I wore a facemask and a black cap to disguise myself. Unfortunately, some staff still recognized me, so I just bowed down and quickly got out of their sight.

I went to the studio, but the area wasn't set up yet. I saw Yibo's assistant and slowly went to her.

"Mr. Xiao, what brings you here? Are you looking for Mr. Wang?"

I nodded slowly.

"Mr. Wang said that he can't make it today."

"What happened?"
I wrinkled my brows.

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