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The chapter you may have been waiting for is finnally here !

Obvious Spoilers , WATCH AMPHIBIA IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY . Inspired by a comic that Aiden Fillin made (it's one of the top search results for "marcanne comics" )

(Spoilers for season 2 - 3)

Prompt :- Anne and Marcy have a sleepover at Sasha's place , and things insue !

Sasha's Sleepover

Marcy :- AHHHHH ! So excited ! It's been months since we've had a sleepover...

Anne :- It's been a longgggg time hasn't it !

Sasha :- Yes it has , duh. Now let's have some fun !

Anne :- How about a movie ? I heard suspicion island has got an hour long special !

Marcy :- YESSSS ! We used to watch it for soooooo long !

Sasha :- Ugh sure .... Just don't talk while we watch it.

Anne :- Here we go !

~time skip~

*While watching , Marcy falls asleep and puts her head on Anne's shoulder*

Sasha :- Wow asleep already ? Well whatever ... I'm going to the bathroom real quick. Wake her up by then !

Anne :- ~~ Oh my gosh she's actually asleep. On . My . Shoulder . AHHHH ! I'm going to go NUTS ! ~~

*Marcy moves a bit*

Anne :- Oh shoot she's going to wake up...

Marcy :- Anne ?

Anne :- YES ?

Marcy :- Did I fall asleep ? Where's Sasha ?

Anne :- Yes you did ! Oh and Sasha went to the bathroom !

Marcy :- Oh ... Wel then this is perfect timing.. I just wanted to.... Apologize.

Anne :- What for ?

Marcy :- Anne. You know what I did.
I was so selfish I sent us to a different dimension full of frogs !
I got myself killed , Sasha locked in prison and you , almost stuck there missing your old life !

Anne :- Marcy ... We have already discussed this... You don't have to apologize again.. we accepted it already !

Marcy :- NO ANNE . I have to apologize. I didn't give you anything . I betrayed your trust and almost trapped us there !

Anne :- Mar mar... You know that it's behind us now... We made a lot of mistakes , but we have learned from them ! You don't have to apologize !

Marcy :- Anne . I'm a horrible person . Do you really think I have changed that much ? I'm still that selfish jerk . I'm still that hedious monster.

Anne :- Marcy Wu . We have been friends since we were toddlers . If anyone knows you best , I do . You are kind , inteligent , very focused , and brave ! Yes you made some mistakes , I've made many too , but we grew . You grew . Into this wonderful , beautiful person . Marcy.... I love you. I want you to love yourself too.

*Anne holds Marcy's cheeks , she leans in a bit *

Anne :- Marcy . I love you .

Marcy :- Anne.... I had no idea.... You really thought I was beautiful... ?

Anne :- Always and forever will..... Why can't you see it yourself ?

Marcy :- I guess I understand what you meant... But it's too late... I can't go back...

Anne :- Marcy. You are perfect just as you are. I love every version of you....

Marcy :- I ..... Love you too Anne....

*Marcy leans in , Anne asks a question*

Anne :- Can I kiss you ?

Marcy :- Of course !

*They kiss as sparks fly around them , in this moment , Marcy finally realises that she's worth it*

Sasha :- Wow.... They finally did it... I guess they didn't need my help after all...

 I guess they didn't need my help after all

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