7. Hallows Eve Preparations - Caranthir x Reader

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Caranthir x Reader ft. Míron

1.5k words

Odhril - s. Parent

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There was the sound of laughter and giggling that floated down the hall, garnering curious glances from those that passed by your room. You could scarcely contain it, with Míron laughing along with you in his cute child laughter that filled the room. Looking at him, the makeup you were trying to apply was smudged slightly as he had been so wiggly.

Hard for the five year old to sit still long enough for you to properly apply it... The humans had taught you about their custom for Hallows Eve. One where they decorated their stoops with what they called jack-o-lanterns, wore masks and costumes and make up! All supposedly to keep the dead and malevolent spirits at bay.

Yet they had spoken of it with such lightheartedness you could scarcely resist wanting to take part in it as well! The humans well enough invited you and Caranthir to join them for the festivities, they mentioned how there would be sweets and games and that Míron was welcome to join in on the fun. Many of the mortal children would be there as well partaking in the all night fun.

If it had not been for your quickness to agree to join in on the festivities, you knew your husband would have said no.

"Míron my love, I cannot keep painting your face if you are squirming in your seat." You laughed out to the little elfling who only giggled in return, just as the door opened. Your husband stepping in with a heavy sigh, though he looked between you both with curiosity. Before you could bring your brush to apply more yellow paint to Míron's face as a beard, he jumped up from his seat.

"Ada!! Look Ada!! I am Tulkas!!!" Míron bellowed out excitedly as he ran across the room to hug Caranthir's legs, smiling up at him and only serving to smear the yellow paint across his pants. You watched the corners of his mouth twitch upwards as he stooped down to pick him up and hold him.

"Mm I see that you are." He answered coolly, before approaching where you stood,

"I am just as strong too!!!" Míron exclaimed, holding both arms out to flex them, leaving Caranthir to snort out with amusement.

"My son I have no doubt of your strength, you nearly toppled me at the door." He said assuring Míron of such great strength. Leaving the elfling to giggle out and wrap his arms around Caranthir's neck.

"And who is Odhril?" Caranthir asked the little one, who looked immediately back to you. You were dressed in deep blue robes with hundreds of hand stitched flecks of silver all throughout with matching silver painted stars on your face. Your hair was left out and with pins of stars in your hair.

"They are the starry sky!" He said wiggling in Caranthirs arms with excitement, eyes widening and a grin coming to his face.

"And Ada! You are to be Ithil!" You gave Caranthir a smile seeing his hesitance, knowing your poor husband was not comfortable in things that weren't black. You knew he was convinced you were going to dress him in a bright blindingly silver outfit. One that his brothers would profusely make fun of him if you did.

"Don't worry meleth, it is still black like you asked for. Just with the different phases of Ithil on it." You assured him, and heard him sigh in relief at your words. Praise the stars, he thought to himself.

"Mír-" You went to say but were interrupted quickly by Míron.

"No! I am Tulkas!!" He growled out with a big grin on his face, leaving both you and Caranthir to laugh at his reaction,

"Tulkas, go and dress into your costume." You answered him with a laugh and at this Caranthir put him down onto the ground. At this "Tulkas" hurried to a different part of your room to begin undressing and redressing. Caranthir approached you, pressing a soft kiss to your lips and you smiled against them.

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