Chapter Twenty

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Toxic felt CJ rub her shoulders trying to calm her, but what was she supposed to do? She in order to complete her task would have to have the right spellbook she would have to steal one of Abigail's...How she would get it before Midnight noticed that's what would be the hard part. "CJ." She whispering nudging her love gently. "Yes?" He replied eyeing Midnight's every move at the same time. "I'm going to have to steal one of Abigail's spell books to revive her." CJ turned and looked her in the eyes unsure. "But crazy over there may not want you touching her friend's stuff...Since well...You know you just killed her and all." He said awkwardly while shuffling his feet a little. Toxic then sighed full of shame and regret. "Just do me a favor smart mouth distract the nut for me!" She snapped at him due to the amount of stress she was under. "Okay! Okay. I'll just keep watch on her." Replied CJ as Toxic teleported near Abigail's bag, that lay just nearby on the ground. Without a sound she snatched up the bag and teleported into the castle library. "Alright don't stress yourself...You can do this..." Toxic told herself flipping through, the pages of one of the many spell books in the bag. After scanning every book for what seemed like ages, she wasn't sure if what she was seeing was the right spell or not.

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All the symbols seemed to be indicating from all her knowledge, the right spell she would have to only hope at this rate. "Time to find out if this works...And if not I hope that everyone will be considerate, enough to give me a proper funeral." Asserted Toxic out loud then walked out to return Abigail's bag, and then attempt to revive Abigail herself.
After Silver had taken Aaron she took them both to her pocket world, the only place no one would be able to find them. "Let me go home! I want to see Mommy!" Aaron said over and over while tears streamed down his face. "ENOUGH!" Silver finally shouted as the room in her pocket world fell silent. "I've had it with your whining! Keeping you from your Mother, I have to do in order save her!" Aaron tilted his head sniffing and wanting to know more. "Save her? From who?" He asked hiccuping. Silver turned around glaring at the little boy. "From you I've seen the future and you ha! You! You overthrow your Mother and take the throne and enslave her! You rule Nightwick but all your subjects leave due to their hatred for you! As for your Mother she grows old eventually like all things do, and yet you still make your poor old sickly Mother clean and work. That is until you kill her as she begs you to let her live!" Once again the room fell silent and Aaron stared into space with wide eyes. He loved his Mother and his Mother loved him right? He would never harm her in anyway at least not on purpose. "I don't want Mommy to die! I want to protect her to take me away from her then like you want! Don't let her find me save my Mommy!" He cried hiccuping again, and worrying for the sake of his Mother. "That's a good little boy." Stated Silver patting his head. Then walking into her kitchen. Aaron sat on the sofa still trying to let everything soak in, the more he thought about it the sadder he became. Aaron did the only thing he could do, he laid down on the sofa curling up into a ball...And wept...

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