9. The Pills

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My husband had been a godsend since I got sick. My doctors were really stumped at first, but we figured it out.

The doctor prescribed me a medicine to take every 6 hours. It's supposed to help with the pain.

My husband is an excellent nurse. At first, I hated to have him do it. My illness was turning me into a person I didn't recognize - moody, temperamental and very impatient - but my husband just kept going, giving me the tiny blue/green pills that would cure my ails.

But my symptoms worsened. My nose started to bleed profusely. My husband left a message with the doctor, but no response. I started developing bruises and my stomach was always upset.

The doctor apparently thought this could be solved

by an increase in medicine, so I began taking it every

4 hours. I smiled pitifully at my husband, thanking

him for his devotion and swallowing that bluish pill.

He ran a gentle hand through my hair. A fistful of

hair had come out along with it.

I cried and cried, but I really just needed to be alone. I sent my husband to the store. A few minutes after he left, I realized I needed to take a dose.

I weakly climbed out of bed and made it to the medicine cabinet. There were my little blue pills, scattered loosely around the cabinet.

I grabbed the pill bottle and unscrewed the cap so I could dump them back in.

My pills were white.

A/n: Hope you liked number 9!  guys :)

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