21. Birthday Wish (@-AcePoker-)

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"3,2,1, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Jessica's coworkers yelled as she walked through the door.

"Ah! Guys! You scared me!" Jessica jumped before hugging her friends. Her coworkers brought up gifts and presents with a cake with a giant "21" candle on the top. "Awww, Thank you!" Jessica said as she sat down at the table.

"Make a wish!!" One of Jessica's friend said as she light the candles, "don't tell anyone!"

Jessica closed her eyes, and made a wish. She always loved and adored her friends, she wish they were always like this. She wished that this moment would last forever.

As she blow out her candles, everything went black. And everyone went quiet. "Guys? You there?" Jessica asked but had no response. "Guys? C'mon this isn't funny." *Click* That's the light turning back on.

Stood next to the table was all Jessica's coworkers,but they wasn't moving. They seemed scared, but they can't move a muscle.

Jessica looked around, confused. Suddenly there was a strong urge in her body which forced her hand up, which dig into the chocolate cake. Jessica, more confused then all her friends. She sat there, uncontrollably stuffing her face with cake with her coworkers frozen and staring at her with terrified eyes.

After struggling to consume all the cake she felt relieved after the urge left her body. She laid back in her chair just before the lights went out again. After the lights went back on, Jessica almost cried.

There sat a chocolate cake on the table, candle relighted, everyone frozen. She raises her hand, and grabs a piece of cake to eat it. Be careful what you wish for.

A/n: Full credit goes to Magical_Poker for the brilliant story! (If you don't already know, Ace (-AcePoker-) and I will be collaborating for some stories on the book! Yay! ;)

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