45. Suzie the plush doll

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Grace is a 12 year old girl who loves toys. She has a collection of them in her room, all lined up nicely on her shelves. Her collection isn't  just regular old toys like trucks or animals, she collects girl and boy plush toys.

Everyday she walks by a shop that has a doll that is the size of a little girl, a bit smaller than herself. One day she couldn't wait any longer, so she gets all her money from the glass jar in her room and buys the plush doll.

It was the most beautiful toy she owned. The features were very realistic, it had blushing cheeks and chocolate brown hair. Grace decided to name that doll Suzie.

Suzie was also a lot bigger than all her other boy and girl toys, so she kept it on a desk next to her bed.

But everyday when she woke up Suzie had moved to a different place in her house. She woke up and she would be sitting on a chair in the kitchen, or she would be laying on the ground in the shed.

At first Grace thought it was just her parents perhaps playing a trick on her. But then Suzie started to follow her to school, ending up in her locker or under her desk.

That's when her clothes started disappearing, and her other toys that were on her shelves started to decrease in number as well. She would look everywhere for her toys, she really loved them. But she couldn't find them anywhere.

That's when Grace noticed every day Suzie was getting bigger and bigger. Until she was way bigger than Grace. "Wow! I didn't know dolls could grow!" Grace said to herself.

She eventually got sick of having to wake up everyday and find Suzie again. So Grace started to tie Suzie under her bed so she couldn't move. But when she woke up Suzie would be in a different location anyway.

Grace grew angry with the doll, so she approached Suzie with a knife. She cut the her open and outs spilt all of her disappeared toys. But they were now all jumbled and mushed up inside of the dolls stomach.

Suzie had been eating her other dolls.

A/n: plush doll moving story idea requested by -dqydreqm .

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