34. He's Not Real (@-AcePoker-)

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A girl named Yang lived in Singapore for over 5 years in a villa by the countryside in the woods. Yang was a normal 19 years old girl who's parents had died ever since she was 4, and she soon got over it. She didn't have friends due to her being an orphan, and she was completely fine with it, so she bought a cheap villa in the woods by herself. One night, after Yang washed her hair, she turned off the light and sat on the couch to watch a movie.

Everything went fine until Yang heard a noise in her room. She turned around and can somehow make up a dark and tall silhouette of a man standing in her bedroom's door way, which disappeared seconds after she turned on the light. Yang doesn't believe in ghosts, so she just thinks her eyes was playing tricked with her, so she turned of the lights and continued on watching TV.

About an hour later, Yang was hungry and decided to get some snacks from her kitchen when she heard a sound in her room and somehow saw a shadow that flew across the door way, and the door slammed shut. Yang was freaking out by this point, and decided to go check and confront whoever was in her house.

She swung the door open, looked inside and make up a shadow in front of her mirror. She jumped, turned on the light, and the figure was gone from her view.

Yang checked one last time, and was sure that the man was gone, so she went back to watch the movie, when she felt someone was watching her from behind, and she turned around, feeling a strong force pushing her back on the couch, and Yang's vision went black for a few minutes.

She woke up again, remembered what happened, and grabbed her keys while stumbling towards the door. She stood up, regained her consciousness, but stopped at the door. "He's not real..." Yang said: "He's fake." And Yang closes the door and locks it.

She went back to the TV and realized the channel was switched to an arrow pointing to her room.

"WHOEVER YOU ARE, PLEASE STOP!" Yang screamed before having a glitched interference in her TV. She freaked out, grabbed a knife from the kitchen, and stabbed through the closed door of the bedroom, hoping to stab someone. But nothing happened. She banged on the door yelling: "HE'S NOT REAL" every time louder than before. And suddenly the door swung open and the same invisible force dragged her into the room and shuts the door behind her.

Yang closed her eyes and stabbed the air screaming. Seconds later, the room was silent. Yang open her eyes, tried to open the door, but failed and realized that its locked. She then her laughing in her mirror.

Yang slowly walked towards the mirror, looked inside, and she had cuts and bruises all over her, but something was worse behind her.

The shadowy silhouette stood behind her, with a large smile across its face and he whispered: "I. Am. Real."

A/n: Credits to -AcePoker- for writing, credits to -AshTree- for the idea. (Yes, me lol XD)

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