22. Hotel room 303 (@-AcePoker-)

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The news was up. It spreads over the city, people mention it over conversations, it was showed on big screens into every household. A girl was murdered in a hotel bathroom, room 303, and that hotel was shutdown immediately.

Months after the incident, a girl named Mia decided to go visit her friends in California, but she got stuck in Colorado on the flight from New York to California due to a thunderstorm that will continue for days.

Mia decided to stay in the nearby hotel, which wasn't very expensive to stay in. The reception was weird, half of her face covered with a mask, but was friendly.

She gave Mia a card with a sticky note on the number of the room and told her to not touch any notes, and find the matching room with the sticky not on the room number. Mia agreed.

When she reached a room with a sticky note on it, she opened the door with the key card and went in.

Exhausted, she jumped on the bed and unpacked her bags and went to sleep. She woke up at midnight from the reception calling. "Run..." it said with a raspy voice, "get...out..." Mia couldn't take all this information at once. "W-what? Are you okay?" And the call was cut off.

She was confused so she called her friends to search up the hotel she's currently staying in. Minutes later, her friend replied: "...are you sure you are in "Lynn Phoenix" hotel?" "Yes, why?" ... no response. Seconds later, after hearing a faint typing and texting sounds, her friend whispered: "This hotel was shutdown months ago."

The call was once again cut off. Then, Mia heard banging on her hotel door and windows at the same time. Being alone and in the dark, Mia screamed and curled up in a ball yelling for the intruder to go away. "GET AWAY! STOP!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. The banging continued for another minute before the room went into an ghostly silence.

Mia grabbed her key, using it as a weapon, swung the door and stabbed forwards. No one was there. Nothing seems out of the ordinary. As she started to calm down, she heard a screech coming from right behind her in her room.

And before she even had a chance to turn around, she was dragged back into the room into eternal darkness. The piece of paper that covered the room number loses its stickiness, and slowly fell to the ground revealing the number below.

Room 303.

A/n: Credit to -AcePoker- for the scary story!

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