13. Mr Bones

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He was surprised his stepdaughter Sophia had asked for him and not her mother in the middle of the night.

The 6-year-old had barely tolerated him up for the months they'd shared a home.

"What's wrong? Monsters in your closet?" he asked. She nodded. "Mr. Bones won't let me sleep."

"Mr. Bones? That's funny, my monster's name was Mr. Bones when I was your age." He chuckled, "Hey, maybe he's here for me and not you."

Sophia reached to turn off the light. "He told me the same thing," she said.

He froze for a second, looking back at his stepdaughter. "What did he tell you?" He asked Sophia, this time with a pounding heart and a cautious voice.

Sophia looked down, fiddling with her fingers. "He told me that he was back for you," she told him, "but... he said not to tell you, so just don't tell anyone".

His eyes widened for a second, then quickly dismissed the thought. "She is probably making this up," he thought with a nervous smile.

But just as he was walking out of her room, he heard the closet door slowly creak open and saw a boney hand pushing the closet open...

A/n: dun dun dunnnnn!! Vote if you liked ;)

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