23. Ghostly Child (@-AcePoker-)

200 19 40

A/n: You are in this story! Have fun :)

A group of crew members were exhausted after a day full of flights, and decided to rest in a hotel near by.

They all picked the rooms from the same floor, in case one of them needs help. One of the members, Y/N, decided to stay on the far end of the hallway so it's quiet and she won't disturb the others.

Around midnight, she heard a child running up and down the hallway knocking on everyone's doors, laughing and screaming. Y/N is annoyed so she called the front desk to send someone for the child outside her door. The front desk checked the computer and I saw no children are booked in her floor. The reception down reassured that no child is on her level, and the hallway went silent. Y/N looked out the door eye and saw no kids outside, so she went back to sleep.

Around 3:00 or 4:00, the child was back and was playing with Y/N's door handle. Stacie sat up, threw her blanket off herself and stormed towards the door. "Whoever you are, stop. It's NOT funny!" She shouted, and the hallway was silent. She opened her door, grabbed the phone, called the reception to make sure.

The receptionist told her that they reassured that there are no children on her floor, and ended the call.

Frustrated, she went down to the reception, demanding for a check of the security cameras. The receptionist called their manager for access, and agreed to let her check.

Y/N sat in front of the computer and clicked the right timings exactly when she heard the child. There was no audio, so Y/N spend some time looking for any children passing by. But there was no children until she sees herself opening her door. There stood, a child-looking figure in front of her door, but she recalls seeing nothing outside. The figure looked up, and slowly walked into her room, and she closes the door, leaving the child in her room.

Therefore, she had left the ghostly child in her room the whole night.

A/n: Credit to -AcePoker- :) Thanks for all the story ideas!

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