44. My Son...

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A loving couple had always wanted a child. Unfortunately, they were always too caught up in their jobs to properly try parenthood.

They were sitting inside around their fireplace when they heard three taps on their door. "There's a massive storm outside!" The husband said, "Did you invite your friend Delia over?"

"No I didn't. Ill check who it is." The wife got up and shuffled over to the door. There was no one there, only a old card on the 'welcome' mat. She picked it up and on the card was written "107 Timberlake Road. 3:30pm tomorrow. Your chance to be happy. -Doll making inc." Extremely confused she walked back to her husband and showed him the note.

"Do you think we should go?" The wife asked.

"Well we have nothing to do tomorrow, its my day off. And we could do with a walk."

The next day they arrived at the given place and entered. Wood dust filled their nose and they could hear a constant hammering coming from a small doorway. A man came out just then and thanked them for coming.

"I heard that you have been wanting a child. I have an offer for you." He brought out a boy doll that was a perfect mixture of the couples features. "Take good care of this doll. But don't spend to much time with it," and the man said and gave them a big sand hourglass.

The couple gladly accepted the mans offer and took the wooden doll home. When inside, the doll turned into a perfect boy. But when the couple ventured outside, he turned into just a puppet.

The couple falls in love with the doll over the short amount of time they have. But the wife spends time with the doll too long, and the husband is devastated.

He takes the wife and the doll outside only to find that the mother has slowly turned into a doll as well over time.

The husband hesitated, and slowly backed up into the house again, and hugged the wife (now human) and the doll. He looks back at the hourglass, and slowly watches the hourglass slowly run out as he turns into wood forever.

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