46. The Black Lamb

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Having a farm was great. He loved it.

It's what he always dreamt of. His wife and his kids loved it as well, specially the black little lamb that they had recently bought.

His kids loved the black little lamb, and they played with it for long periods of time. Happy with his wife, we would watch them play while resting on the rocking chairs outside.
Life was perfect for him, it could not get better than this.

One day, he was feeding the animals in the farm. Then he saw that black lamb. It's horns were way larger than the day before. Puzzled, he just ignored it.

Later that day, he let the animals come outside. But one of them was missing. The black lamb.

He went inside of the farm and tried to look for it, and there it was.

On the very same spot that he left it that morning. But again, the lamb's horns were bigger. Big enough to not
let it stand anymore. He got close to it and kneeled down to see it. He saw that the horns had carvings.

They had some type of writing on them along with symbols. One of them looked like a star upside down. He looked inside the lamb's eyes, and they did not look right.

They looked like the eyes of a snake. There were black and red veins all around it. He was worried and he could not explain what was going on.

He called the town's priest to take a look at it. When he came over, the priest said that a demon had taken possession of the lamb and that it must be killed so that the demon could not escape.

Later that day, they killed the lamb.
Sad, his children stayed in their rooms for the whole day. He felt really bad but he was glad that the demon was gone.

At night, when he was sleeping with his wife, his daughter comes inside of the room. Jumping with joy. He asked her what was going on and she said:
"Daddy! It's back! It's back! The lamb is back!"

Creeped out, he followed the girl to her room, only to find something that he would never imagine.

It was his son.
With horns coming out of his head.

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