42. Sentence dump 3

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A/n: Here are some very short 2 sentience scary "stories":

1. After working a hard day I came home to see my girlfriend cradling our child.

I didn't know which was more frightening, seeing my dead girlfriend and stillborn child, or knowing that someone broke into my apartment to place them there.

2. After scrolling through the Instagram feed of my ex's new gf for more than an hour, I finally got to the very first pic.

Then I accidentally liked it.

3. I was chatting and flirting with a random unknown guy in Instagram direct at 3:00 AM. After a few moments I felt a little bit hungry, so I started to eat a sandwich. Suddenly the guy sent me a creepy message:

"I love sandwiches too ;)"...

4. I have a recurring dream I'm murdered by a man I'd never met.

I thought it was stupid until I went on a blind date and saw him at the table.

5. My girlfriend has been staying with me for a month now.

She almost escaped last night, I need a thicker chain.

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