35. 99 times (@-AcePoker)

125 18 16

You walked down the empty streets, and you felt the wind brushing though your shoulders. You walked across that same old cliff, where your brother was pushed off.

You looked over to that same spot where your brother died, and you make up a silhouette of a girl, which seems like she was about to commit suicide.

You has always been a kind person, so you ran to the girl shouting for her to stay still.

"HEY, WAIT! DON'T DO IT!" You yelled out hoping to help the girl, but the girl didn't even flinch a little. You stumbled to the cliff and heard soft and raspy mumbling coming from the girl. "99, 99, 99..." the girl repeated the number 99 multiple times before turning around and staring into your eyes.

"Hey..." you walked towards the girl, "What's wrong? You don't need to do this..." you placed your hands on her shoulder, and hugged her. The girl stopped mumbling, and hugged you back. Suddenly you felt a force on your back, and you fell. That was the girl pushing you off the cliff, into eternal darkness. You screamed and your eyes went black.

The girl looked down, and smiled before mumbling:

"100, 100, 100..."

A/n: credit to -AcePoker-!!

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