28. Imaginary Friend

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A/n: A true story that was given to me by LostCloudHuh. If you want me to turn one of your scary experienced into a story, PM me or comment here!! :-D

It all started about 1 year ago when my cousin was 3-4 years old. She was at her most curious phase, always questioning everything and trying to discover things by herself.

She had this personality from birth, and no one would be able to change her. This of course, led her to some trouble sometimes. But, there was one incident that I will never be able to forget.

My cousin used to tell us about her friend Shanaya. We were extremely confused at first, because she hadn't even started school yet.

So, we thought she was talking to herself. But, she wouldn't just run around and talk to herself like your grandma might. She would sometimes sit there in a room by herself, and be silent. Then she would start talking as if she was on a phone call and someone was on the other line. We couldn't hear the person on 'the other line' though of course. We assumed she had made an imaginary friend.

This went on for what seemed weeks. My cousin talking to her imaginary friend, and she would wait and sit there silently while the imaginary friend 'talked' to her.

Sometimes she would seem almost scared and I would wonder what her imaginary friend was saying to her. At other times, she would laugh and calling her imaginary friend 'silly' and other words along the same line.

One day I caught her looking straight above her, at the air. I got so curious that I pried her door open to ask her what she was doing. But, as soon as I did, I could feel something weird. Like that feeling someone is secretly watching you. You never catch their eye, but you know someone was watching you. That's what it felt like as soon as my cousins door fling open.

I ignored the funny feeling and asked her what she was doing.

"Talking to Shanaya, my friend!" She chirped in a cute baby voice. I was never more terrified in my life.

I little while later she came down the stairs with a sad look on her face.

"What's wrong?" We were asking her.

"Shanaya keeps telling me to hurt you guys or she won't play with me anymore," she said with a disappointed look on her face.

Thank god she never did hurt us, or listener to anything Shanaya said. My cousin has stopped talking about Shanaya.

I guess it was all in her imagination. So was the feelings I would get when I walked in on my cousin looking up and talking to Shanaya.

Just imaginary.

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