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Kenzie hadn't talked to Rachel since she had hit her and threw her out. She didn't want to either. She was done with Rachel.

Kenzie had been staying with Alyssa and Esmè since she had been kicked out. And she found it more comfortable there.

Kenzie woke that morning and walked into the living room. She smiled as she saw Esmè sitting there with a bowl of cereal. "Kenzie wake mummy! She needs beakfasts!" Esmè yelled.

Alyssa walked into the living room and smiled. "Hey. Do you want anything to eat? I can make you anything," she told her.

Kenzie shook her head. She sighed. "Has mum said anything? Or has she called about me?" She asked.

Alyssa smiled and shook her head. She sighed. "No babes. But don't let it bother you. It's really not worth the upset. Okay?"

"Okay. It just sucks that I'm her daughter and yet she doesn't give a damn about me," Kenzie mumbled.

"I know. But it will be okay. I promise you."

Kenzie went into school. Rachel was there and walked over to her and Alyssa. "Hello girls. How are you?" She asked.

Kenzie rolled her eyes. "Now you want to care about me? You're a joke mum. An actual joke," she told her.

Rachel sighed. "Come on love. The past is in the past. So I forgive you."

"Forgive me? You're the one who kicked me out after you hit me. You're the one who needs to be forgiven. Not me," Kenzie spat as she walked off. She wasn't in the mood to deal with it.

Tom smiled as Kenzie walked in. She looked at him. "Remind me why I'm a wild child," she said.

Tom laughed. "You're not a wild child. You're just a teenager. What's happened?" He asked.

"My mum. She kicked me out didn't she? So I'm staying with my sister. And yet my mum has said she forgives me? I don't want her to forgive me."

Tom sighed. "Your mum is just your mum. She doesn't mean anything by what she says," he told her.

"You don't know my mum. She means a lot of what she says. And I'm not going to go back home. I'm happy with my sister."

Tom nodded and smiled. "Stay with her then. Just focus on yourself. You'll be okay. I know you will. You're tough," he told her.

"I hope so. I just don't want anymore crap. I want to be able to get through the next couple years and be a normal person," she told him.

"And you will. I know you will."

Rachel walked into the common room. She sat down opposite Kenzie and sighed. "What do you want mum?" She asked as she looked at her.

"I am sorry for what happened. But you need to understand that I am your mum. And I won't be spoken to like how you spoke to me. So understand that."

Kenzie rolled her eyes. "I'm a teenager. So what do you expect from me? To be a perfect saint?" She told her.

Rachel scoffed. "I expect my own daughter to not disrespect me."

Kenzie shook her head and walked off. But with things with her and Rachel getting more and more tense, could things ever go back to how they were?

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