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Kenzie walked into the kitchen and frowned to herself as she saw Rachel who was looking at her. Kenzie looked to her and frowned as she ran a hand through her hair. She walked over and grabbed some food out of the fridge as Rachel looked to her "we need to talk" Rachel said as kenzie looked to her and raised an eyebrow at her and sighed "we do?" "Yes I know that you and your sister are hiding some thing from me. I heard her talking to max" "and what makes you think that it's something to do with me" kenzie asked as Rachel looked to her and smiled "kenzie, you have been off for weeks and I know that you were. Talk to me. Tell me what is going on" Rachel said. Kenzie looked to her with tears in her eyes and sighed "I can't tell you okay mum, just leave it for once will you" kenzie said as she went to walk off

Rachel stood in her way and stopped her and sighed as he looked to her "no, I am your mum. I know when you are hiding something. You have been acting off for weeks and all that i want is to be there for you. Don't push me away" Rachel said as kenzie looked to her and frowned "just leave it mum I'm allowed to talk to my sister over some things. I am not going to open up to you and let's be hot meat if I did you would only just judge me" kenzie said as she walked off as Rachel sighed to herself. She knew kenzie and alyssa was hiding something from her and she was going to find out what it was no matter what. She knew something was up with her daughters

Kenzie stood in the hallway as Tom walked down the hall. He walked over to her and smiled as he grabbed her arm "come on" he said as he pulled her into his classroom. She looked to him and sighed as she ran her hands through her hair and sighed "I know that you hate me for what I said over my dad" she said as Tom looked to her and frowned "dont, don't say that okay. I don't hate you. It changes nothing especially how I feel about you I'm going to look after you I promise" tom said as he pulled her close and kissed her. She ran her hands through his hair as he lifted her up onto the desk and stood between her legs as she undid his belt. She smirked as he pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her


Kenzie got home and frowned as she saw Alyssa. Alyssa looked to her and smiled "I just wanted to see you okay you have been off" Alyssa said as kenzie shock her head "I'm not okay, I'm scared and I don't know what to do" kenzie sobbed as Alyssa walked over and held her sister as she had a break down in her arms. Alyssa knew kenzie was going to end up snapping soon

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