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Kenzie sighed to herself as she sat in her room as she started to get ready for school as the door opened and Alyssa walked in. Alyssa looked to kenzie and smiled "can we talk kenz?" She asked as kenzie nodded as she sat on the bed "I know that you have been through a lot and I know that I wasn't there for you that I didn't realise just what our father was doing to you, but I did what I had to do to protect you and I'd do it again. What he did to you was awful but we need to find a way to move past it" Alyssa said as kenzie looked to her and sighed "that's easier said than done Alyssa and you know it" kenzie said as Alyssa looked to her and smiled "I know but I could loose Esmè to max and I don't want that. I'll go to jail for what I did" Alyssa said as kenzie looked to her and smiled "I don't say anything"

"Thank you, mum is worried about you and is your acting. You know she thinks that your crazy" Alyssa said as kenzie looked to her and sighed "she doesn't care, if she did she would of been around more and she wouldn't of let this happen. She doesn't care about me and she never has" kenzie said as Alyssa looked to her and frowned. Alyssa knew just how much kenzie was struggling and knew that it was only going to be a small matter of time before she cracked and Alyssa was worried that she couldn't be there to catch her when it happened. Alyssa knew that kenzie was struggling and that there was not a lot that she could do to help her. She knew rachel would only think that kenzie was going off of the rails.


Kenzie sat in school and sighed. She bored and messing around "kenzie mason, enough" Steph said as kenzie looked to her and rolled her eyes "why don't you shut up you miserable cow" kenzie said as Steph looked to her and frowned as she walked over to her "cooler now and I'll be Talking to your mother" Steph said as kenzie stood up and grabbed her stuff "I wouldn't call her a mother" kenzie spat as she stood up and walked out of the room and sighed. She said as she stormed off to the cooler. She walked into the cooler and sighed as she ran her hands through her hair and sighed. Kenzie felt as if she couldn't cope much longer.


Kenzie sat in the office and looked to Rachel and sighed. They had been arguing and it was driving her mad "stay here now where I can actually keep an eye on you" Rachel spat as she walked out of the room to see Alyssa "what's going on?" "I've decided I'm going to commit your sister, she is not mentally stable" "don't you dare say that, she is. She's been through a lot that's all" "I'm her mother" Rachel said as Alyssa looked to her and rolled her eyes "that's a joke right? Your never there for us and you have no idea what's happened to her" Alyssa said as Rachel frowned "what does that mean?" "Nothing, just leave it" Alyssa said as she walked into the office but could Alyssa safe kenzie before Rachel had her sectioned?

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