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Kenzie cursed to herself as she stumbled into the house drunk. She had been out all night and she didn't care over the fact that Rachel might catch her. Kenzie walked into the kitchen and stumbled as she stripped over a chair. She grabbed a glass of water as Rachel walked in and looked to her and glared "kenzie, what the hell are you doing it's four in the morning" Rachel said as kenzie looked to her and rolled her eyes "well done mother, you can tell the time" kenzie said as she went to walk off as Rachel grabbed her arm and pulled her back as she looked to her and glared to her "you are out of control, what the hell is going on with you. Why are you acting like this" Rachel asked as kenzie looked to her and smirked "you don't know nothing  about it so why don't you keep out of it" kenzie said as Rachel walked after her and frowned.

"What the hell does that mean kenzie?" Rachel asked as kenzie looked to her and sighed as she ran a hand through "nothing forget it" "no, tell me" Rachel said as kenzie looked to her and sighed "what's the point all that you care about is Alyssa more than me or the school, you haven't and you never have cared about me as you know nothing, if you did you wouldn't be asking me this" kenzie spat as she walked into the room and slammed the door. She sighed to herself as she sat on her bed. She knew she had to keep it secret over what happened to her and what Alyssa did but kenzie was finding it harder and harder to act as if nothing happened to her and that nothing had happened. She was scared


Kenzie got to school and sighed to herself as she saw tom, kenzie was getting annoyed by him. Everywhere that she turned. He was there and it was dong her head in "kenzie" Tom called as kenzie looked to him and groaned as she looked to him and sighed "what do you want" she asked as he looked to her and smiled "I'm worried about you, I know there is something going on with you" tom said as kenzie looked to him and rolled her eyes at him "why don't you leave me alone Mr Clarkson and mind your own business, I don't need you in my life so back off" kenzie snapped as she asked off. Tom looked after her and sighed to himself, he knew that there was something up with kenzie and he was determined to find out just what it was


Alyssa sighed to herself as she stood watching kenzie. She knew that her sister was acting out of Control and she knew why. She knew it was because of what she did. She looked as max walked in and looked to her and frowned "are you okay" max asked as Alyssa looked to him and shock her head "I've dome something max, I've done Something bad I lolled someone.."

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