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Kenzie got to school and walked into toms classroom. All that she could think about was what she had told him and she was scared. She was scared over what he was going to do and that he was going to tell someone what she had done and how she had killed her father and how Alyssa had killed him to keep her safe. Kenzie knew that she owed everything to Alyssa and that she couldn't of coped much longer. Alyssa saved her life and it was as good as that. Kenzie looked to Tom as she walked in

"can we talk, I'm worried and I needed to know that you weren't going to tell anyone, it's not just me it's Alyssa and Esmè, Esmè has a good mum and mine doesn't notice me not unless I am in trouble. She had no dies what my father did to be, he hurt me in the most horrific way and it still effects me, I still have the nightmares of him coming in my room and I just don't know what to do, I don't know how to stop it. I'm still so scared" she said with tears in her eyes. Tom looked to her and smiled

"I know what he did and I can see it, I can see how it is effecting you and I know that you are struggling from it and it is going to be okay, I am not going to tell a soul" Tom said as kenzie looked to him and smiled

"Really? Even after what a cow I have been"

"no, you dont deserve to loose your sister who seems to be the only one who is there for you but I do think that your mum needs to know" Tom said as kenzie looked to him and frowned. She knew that she couldn't, she couldn't open up to Rachel over what happened. Kenzie was scared that Rachel wouldn't believe her and she didn't know what to do or think over it

"what if she doesn't believe me? She never does on anything" kenzie said. Tom looked to her and smiled. He walked over to her and placed a hand on her cheek and smiled. He could see that she was struggling. She had been for a long time and Tom knew that this time that she needed someone

"it's going to be okay, your father can't hurt you, no one can hurt you I won't let them hurt you" Tom said as kenzie looked to him and frowned

"you'd do that for me?" She asked as Tom looked to her and smiled as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled

"of course I will, I won't let anyone hurt you I promise" he said as he kissed the top of her head.


Alyssa walked into the pastoral care office and smiled as she saw kenzie

"Tom told me, about telling mum. Are you sure about this, I mean you know what she is like?" Alyssa asked as kenzie sighed

"I know what she is like but she is our mum and I feel like it will only be so long until she does find out and I feel like it is better that she hears it from us then someone else. Did you tell max? I know it's what is stopping you being together, your scared to get close to him in case he rejects you over what happened. It was defence you didn't do it in cold blood" Kenzie said as Alyssa looked to her and smiled

"I tired but he is sleeping with Kim and I can't, I can't tell I'm it is all a mess and I can't bare it but I agree on telling mum, it is for the best. No one matter we get through this together like we always have" Alyssa said as she looked to her little sister and smiled as she hugged her

"I know" kenzie said knowing Alyssa was the one person she could truly count on


Kenzie sat on the classroom as Tom walked in. She looked to him and smiled

"so you know I'm going to tell her" kenzie said as Tom smiled

"it's better in the end you will see" Tom said as he leant in and kissed her. She kissed him back as the kiss got more passionate as he listed her up onto the desk and stood between her legs.

She moaned against his touch as he ran his hands up her thighs. She started to undo his belt as he pulled her close and pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out her but would everything be okay once Rachel found out the truth?

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