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Kenzie sighed to herself as she walked into the kitchen and saw Rachel. She looked to Rachel and rolled her eyes. She wasn't in the mood to deal with Rachel "we need to talk" Rachel said as Kenzie looked to face her and sighed "no, we don't okay. I am not in the mood and you never care anyways so don't try and act like you do now" kenzie said as she went to walk off as Rachel grabbed her arm and looked to her and smiled "I am your mother of course I care about you. I know that you don't think I do but I know that there is something going on with you and Alyssa and that you are keeping something from me and you can tell me" Rachel said as kenzie looked to her and sighed as she ran a hand through her hair and looked to Rachel

"What's the point? It's too late. You can't change what happened" kenzie said as Rachel looked to her and frowned as she walked off. Rachel sighed as she ran a hand through her hair and sighed. She was worried over her daughter and she knew kenzie was getting more and more distant and she knew that there was something that had happened and she knew that Alyssa knew. Kenzie and Alyssa were as close as ever and that Alyssa knew what was going on with kenzie. They were keeping secrets and she was going to find out just what it was. Rachel grabbed her phone off of the side as she grabbed her phone and rang Alyssa as the phone went to answer phone and sighed "Alyssa it's me, call me back will you. I need to talk to you. It's important. It's over kenzie and I know you know what is going on" Rachel said as she hung up the phone and sighed to herself


Kenzie sat in the cooler at school. She had been sent in for fighting. Alyssa walked in and smiled as she walked over and hugged kenzie and smiled "I know your struggling I do, but it's all going to be okay" Alyssa said as Rachel walked in "can I have a word with your sister" Rachel asked as Alyssa and kenzie looked to each other for a moment as Alyssa Nodded and walked out of the room. Kenzie sat back in her seat and sighed as Rachel walked over to her and smiled "you know I am your mother before anything else and I love you. You can talk to me, you don't need to keep everything bottled up" "who says I am" kenzie asked "I know you are and your shutting yourself off and I wanna know why" "I'm fine" kenzie said


Kenzie walked into toms classroom and smiled as she saw him. She walked over to him as he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into a hug and smiled "are you okay" he asked as she looked to him "something happened and I can't keep it to myself, my father he sexually abused me and Alyssa...she killed him"

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