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Kenzie woke up on the sofa hungover and groaned. She ran a hand through her hair and sighed as Rachel walked in. She looked to kenzie and crossed her arms over her chest causing kenzie to sigh to herself "don't start will you" kenzie said as she stood up and walked into the kitchen as Rachel followed her "I bloody well start as I am your mother and your acting out of control, how am I expected to run a school when my own daughter won't listen to me" Rachel said as kenzie looked to her and rolled her eyes "and here it is, that's what it's all about your precious job, you have always put it first before me, before Alyssa it's all you care about" kenzie spat as Rachel looked to her and frowned "it's important" she said as kenzie rolled her eyes "of course it is, more important than we are or then we ever will be" kenzie spat.

Kenzie went to walk off as Rachel grabbed her arm and looked to her and sighed "what is going on, you haven't been the same since your father died. Your acting crazy" Rachel said as kenzie flinched at the mentioned of her father as she thought over what he had done to her "you don't know anything and I'm not crazy" kenzie spat as she pulled away from Rachel. She walked off to her room and sighed as she sat on her bed and ran her hands through her hair and sighed. She knew that she and Alyssa had this secret and she knew that she needed to try and act as if everything was fine but she couldn't. She knew that what had happened to her was slowly tearing her apart and she was scared as she didn't know if or how to overcome it.


Later that day, kenzie got to school. She was pissed. She walked down the hall trying to find her sister. She walked into tom and glared "watch it" she spat as he looked to her and frowned "do you want to try that again kenzie" he asked as she looked to him and sighed "sorry sir, a lot is going on" she said as he looked to her and nodded "come on" he said as he lead her into his classroom. He sat next to her and smiled "now do you want to tell me what's going on" he asked as she looked to him with tears in her eyes "my mother, she doesn't care, she cares more for this job" she said as Tom placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as he wiped he tears away "that's not true" he said as she looked to him for a moment before she leant in and kissed him. He placed a hand on her cheek and kissed her back.


Later that day, kenzie sat in the common room as Alyssa walked in and smiled as she looked to her "are you okay" she asked her sister as kenzie looked to her and smiled "yeah I guess so" she said as Alyssa sat next to her and smiled. She placed a hand on top of hers and smiled "it's all going to be okay, I know he hurt you but he won't do it again, I promise" Alyssa said as kenzie looked to her and smiled.

Alyssa walked into the office and looked to Rachel "will you talk to your sister and try and get back to the bottom of things" she asked as Alyssa looked to her and rolled her eyes "Kenz is fine" "no, she's not and if she keeps going on like this I'm having her committed" Rachel said as Alyssa looked to her and frowned not knowing how much longer kenzie could cope with things

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