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Kenzie knew how she was avoiding Rachel like no tomorrow. She didn't want to talk to her. She didn't want Rachel to know anything. Especially knowing how Rachel wouldn't understand.

Kenzie knew she wasn't going to talk to Rachel. She couldn't. She didn't want everything being dragged up. She knew how complicated and messy it was. And she wasn't doing it.

All she knew was that it was a mess. A mess she didn't want to talk about.

When she woke that morning, she saw Esmè toddling in. She looked to her. "Mummy say me has to wake you. Cause daddy is coming. And he bringing pancakes for me and for you," Esmè said.

Kenzie smiled. "Are they all for me?"

"No. I has some too. I no going school todays. I going mummy and daddy work," Esmè told her with a grin as she climbed onto the bed.

Kenzie nodded and held her close. She looked to her. "Shall we prank your daddy? We could tell him that you're going to be a princess and marrying a prince," she said.

Esmè giggled and nodded. "Let's go!"

The two of them walked into the living room. Alyssa smiled. "Hey. Max is making pancakes," she told them.

Esmè sighed and shook her head. "No! I a princess and I marrying a prince todays!" She yelled.

Max came in from the kitchen. "Oh Kenzie. Rachel has said that you're in the cooler until you can talk to her. I don't know what you've done. But it doesn't sound good," he said.

Kenzie rolled her eyes and sighed. She hated how messy everything seemed. "Well she can get lost. I'm not doing it."

"Right. Well I'm not telling her that."

Kenzie walked into the school. Rachel looked to her. "Cooler."

"You can't put me in the cooler for no reason. And not talking to you isn't a reason to put me in the cooler," Kenzie said as she walked off.

Rachel followed her. She looked to her. "You will be in the cooler Kenzie Mason. Or I will drag you there myself," she told her.

Kenzie turned to her. She glared. "You're bringing personal stuff into school. Whatever happens out of school, stays out of school," she said.

Kenzie was sitting in the common room. She smiled as she looked to see Tom. He looked to her. "Your mum is looking for you. Apparently you're meant to be in the cooler," he said.

"Yes. For something that has nothing to do with school. So she can't put me in the cooler for that," Kenzie told him as she looked to him.

Tom smiled a little. He looked to her. "Naughty naughty. Are you okay though?"

"I'm fine. Just trying to work out this stupid Maths question. I can't be bothered," Kenzie said with a smile.

Tom nodded. "Well I'm no maths expert. But I can help with English," he told her as he looked to her.

Kenzie watched as he walked off. She knew how messy and complicated it was becoming. But could she stop herself from seducing the English teacher again?

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