💖circle male guard x neutral gender reader

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Surprise mf

(little update: so uhh I didn't know what neutral gender meant untill now, so like

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(little update: so uhh I didn't know what neutral gender meant untill now, so like....if you see a she/he then ignore it and pretend that it's a they/them)

circle male x neutral gender reader
Request by: Imafurrysodealwithit

Y/n: your name


After the cookie game y/n was walking down the stairs but was push by Deok-su and his gang, luckily she/he caught herself/himself before she/he hit the ground Deok-su and his gang walk past her/him, she/he waited for them to walk in the door, after about a few other people walking past her/him then followed

While that was happening, the man with a circle on his mask was having a rough, people annoying him and bossing him around and pretty much being rude, Y/n walk inside the room then someone push her/him "move it" a man said rudely, as he walk away

Deok-su and his gang laugh, y/n look at the ground feeling embarrassed about herself/himself, she was about to walk away but was shive and bump into someone "oh I'm sorry!" Y/n said, she/he froze when she/he notice that she/he bump into the mask mans

The circle mask man look at her and just mumbled somethings then look away, the two just stand there


"U-um..." Y/n mumbled "uhh... question..what's the nest game?..?" Y/n ask, the mask man just ignore her "uhh....hello? Sir.." y/n said looking at the circle mask man "uhh... sir..."y/n said "What!?" The circle man said rising his voice, "I..uh.." y/n look at the ground and didn't say anything, being yelled at Infront of people kinda I'd embarrassing

The circle mask man look at her then sigh "sorry...just...having a uh rough day I guess..didn't mean to shout..." the circle mask man says "it's fine, sorry I was the one being annoying" y/n says smiling "so...what's your name?" Y/n ask "can't say" the circle mask man said "oh I see I see" y/n said "well my name is l/n y/n" y/n said "it's nice to meet you sir" y/n said "you too" the circle man says

The two went silent after that, y/n glance at circle, "so uh how's..life so far?..." Y/n said cringing at the question she/he ask, circle just stayed quiet, "ugh, I'm bored, so um I'm just gonna complain since it the only thing I'm good at" y/n said


".........I got a question...if a tomato is a fruit...does that make ketchup jelly?
..." Y/n ask, circle look at her then look down after about a minute circle shook his head "I...don't know.." circle said "okay" y/n said

"...so like...I know all of the is sudden but....you... seemed.. upset...so uhh wanna hear a joke to make you feel better?..is that okay If I can tell you a joke..?" Y/n ask

"....sure go for it" circle said "great! What kind of tea is hard to swallow?.....reality.." y/n said

circle stayed silent "oh not funny enough for you? Well then.....why did the chicken cross the road..?" y/n ask "...uh...why?.." cricle ask "to get to the idiots house.......knock knock...." Y/n said cricle sighs "who's there..?"

"The chicken.." y/n said, "...." cricle chuckles, y/n smiles "I got a story for you...a little boy kills a butterfly dad says no butter for two weeks, the little boy kills a honeybee, dad says no honey for two weeks, mom kills a cockroach, the little boy turns to his dad and says, Are you gonna tell her or should I do it?" Y/n says

Cricle snorts while y/n laughs s little "you gotta admit that little story was Pretty funny" y/n says "eh, it was whatever" cricle joke, y/n smiled

*About like... minutes later*

Circle and y/n started to get along very well, they both would tell each other story's and jokes blah blah blah

"for some reason when I was in preschool I was playing with some dinosaurs And this bitch came up to me and kick my dinosaur toys to the side and said 'i like you we're gonna play Dolls now'......bitch you just fucking kick my triceratops I'm not playing dolls with you! So I'm like 'no' and after I said that her friend next to her look at me and said 'excuse me? She just said she has a crush on you, and offered to take you out on a date! you can't say no!' and I didn't know what the fuck dating was in preschool, I'd rather try a fucking triceratops then this bitch, and so I said 'no I'm playing with my dino toys after I said that this bitch look at me like I just shot her mother, then this girl has the audacity to pick up my triceratops and snap it in half and look in preschool you can do alot of things to me but you could not break my dino toys, I was so mad that I did something that I'll never forget! I look at her dead in the face then pulled out a pistol and empty the entire magazine on her face, ok just kidding I cried and told on her to my teachers, in the end she got in trouble" circle said

"Oh woow" y/n said laughing "ok here I got a story!, So I'm a doctor right? Well I remember two weeks ago there was this patient of mine, he said he had severe back pain I ask him what the reason for the back pain and the man said, (the patient) 'when i got home last night my wife was in bed naked and there was evidence of present man, so I started looking for the bastard and I look out the window and I see a man's that's naked kept running, so I go and grab the refrigerator and throw it out the window and that's how I hurt my back' I was shock by this but wrote him a prescription and sent him on his away, right after that another man comes in and says he has severe back pain, so I ask him why does his back hurt and he says "cuz I was late for work, so I was running out of my house naked whole trying to put my clothes on in the ally, but out of nowhere a refrigerator falls and hits me, and that's why my back hurts' I was surprise by This but gave him a same prescription and sent him on his way, when a third man walks in and says 'doc my back hurts' so I told him that he eathier got his by a refrigerator or hurt yourself by lifting one, the man shook his head and said 'no doc I was inside the refrigerator'..."

"I- uh- well then.. completely blown by that" circle chuckled "Wow just by talking to you made my day better" circle said

y/n blush "heh, same" y/n said "the other players were a bunch of dicks, well mostly Deok-su and his gangs or whatever" y/n said "hm...they would, maka a perfect boy scouts cookie thing" Circle said

"Yeah! They would be making lots of money, ya know just threaten the people for money" y/n said "yeah...hey uh sorry but it's time for me to go" circle said "oh ok" y/n said, she/he look away from circle "uh Soo when will you exactly comeback?" Y/n ask

"I don't know.. but when I get the chance, we'll talk again" circle said "alright then! Bye circle!" Y/n said, circle have a small wave then started to walk with the other mask people

Sorry, my mind is empty rn, this chapter felt like it had no romance at all, sorry I tired😭😭😭

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