🍋101 x transmasc

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Request by: real_shin_tsukimi

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Request by: real_shin_tsukimi


Oh boy wish me luck, cuz I'm literally going to cry




"...bitch" deok-su said, apparently him and someone got into a fight then the guards threaten them, so then they stop and sat down away from each other idk

I just know that this asshat Is sitting next to me, I mean like who wouldn't? Bitch I'm fabulous, and besides, me and him are childhood best friends so like...

"deok-su just forget about that loser" I said "you really dont need to get all work up over some guy" I said, deok-su made a tch sound

"Instead of worrying about him we should focus more on what the next game is" I said, "got any ideas?" He ask i shook my head "sadly no" i said "what a shame" he said

"Agree agree" I said, we both sat in silence "man I really gotta go piss" I said getting up, "see ya later" I said walking away from him towards the guards

"Um yo i need to go use the bathroom" I said, the guard then let me out of the room and lead me towards the bathrooms

I went in and did my thing, I walk over towards the sink and started washing my hands , the usually

deok-su walk in, "why hello deok-su I said, grabbing a paper towel, deok-su look at me then smirk, he then started walking towards me, I was going go ask what hes doing but got my answer straight away, deok-su grab my face and then kiss me


I decided to kiss the man back, cuz like why not, the kiss started turning into

What the word

Makeout? Or something like that

Idk We pretty much started making out, deok-su hands started roaming around my body, I moan then grab a handful of his hair

'Then yank his wig off'


Deok-su enter his tongue into my mouth, our tongues fighting for dominance, deok-su hands started going down into my pants, he pulled them down then I feel his hand on my entrance, I moan as he started playing with it "your so wet" he whispered in my ear with a chuckled

(K I can't were gonna have to get out of y/n p.o v)

deok-su inserted his finger into y/n entrance making y/n gasp, then he added another and started thrusting his fingers in and out

Y/n moans started turning on deok-su on even more he pinned y/n on the wall lifting one leg up then entered her, a moan escaped from y/n's mouth, "oh God deok-su it feels so good ah~" y/n gasp

(I'm sorry god😭😭)

"Louder I want you to scream my name slut" deok-su said as he thrust deeper Inside her, "deok-su!!" Y/n scream out of pleasure as they felt a knot on their stomach

"Goddamnit yes baby!" deok-su said as he spank them

(Spank kink? Ok I see you)

"deok-su I'm cumming!!" Y/n cried out, "cum baby, cum all over this cock" deok-su said while putiting his hands on their neck and going faster then before

(Choking kink? Ok ok gurl)

"deok-su!!!" Y/n moaned releasing their cum all over deok-su dick, deok-su rode out their orgasm, until y/n could feel him twitching then release his cum in y/n

y/n and deok-su moaned, "hmm I love you" deok-su said as he thrust into y/n one more time before pulling his dick out of them

"Love you too idiot" y/n said

I deserve an apology

Literally I'm crying in yeehaw

Alright posting 6 chapters in 1 day

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Alright posting 6 chapters in 1 day


Now let me go to sleep

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