Chapter 4 - The Bathroom

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Hey guys! My book is a bit slow on reads at the moment, I swear the book will get better 😭 but uh yeah 😃 like I said if you have any recommendations for stuff you'd like to see lemme know and I can't put it in my story! Enjoy :)

POV: Sal

A few weeks went by after Travis found out about Megan and everything else. He never talked about any of it to us, he still acts like he hates everybody. Fuck, he doesn't even pick on me like crazy anymore.  Every once and a while it's some rude comment but he hasn't layed hands on me in a while. Maybe it was his dad, we probably shouldn't have told Travis about his dad being involved in the cult. That's probably what messed him up.

It was the last period of the day, it was history with Travis, maybe I could talk to him about what's going on. I would have done it sooner but I never got the chance. I sat down in my seat and waited for Travis. His desk is right in front of mine. He got into class right as the bell rang indicating that classes were about to start. "Alright class, I'm going to assign a project today, I've chosen partners for you already." Our teacher (let's call her mrs knoll... so didn't steal my math teachers name btw 🤨) paired everyone up with someone, she ended up pairing me and Travis together.

He seemed upset about it but I'm not, this gives me a chance to talk to him and maybe get to know him better. Mrs. Knoll explained what the project was about, "Okay now that everyone has a partener I'm going to explain what you guys have to do." She told us that we have to pick someone from the past that inspired us, such as a famous composer, an inventor, something like that. I tapped on Travis' shoulder and he turned around, "What?" "Wanna start working?" He rolled his eyes and adjusted his seat so he was facing me.

Ignoring his attitude I asked him who we should do a project on. We decided to make a poster board about Thomas Edison and his inventions. "Should we go to library? That way we can find books about Edison and use information from those." Travis didn't say anything. It was like he wasn't necessarily mad at me for anything like he usually was, he was just weird. Like he was uncomfortable around me, it was probably the Megan thing I'm assuming. I got up and asked the teacher if we could go to the library, she said yes so Travis and me gathered up our stuff and left for the library.

POV: Travis

Sally and I walked down the hall, I don't want to be partnered with him. It was awkward. I haven't said much to him since that weird ghost child from the apartment. I keep feeling like I should say something to him but every time I try I end up lashing out and saying something mean to him. I don't mean to, really, it's just hard to talk to him for some reason. Like every time I try to say anything to Sally I get I flustered and weird.. I probably just really hate him. I mean how could I not? He's like the shortest person I've met, his blue hair is super girly, and that stupid mask is just ugly looking, and his eyes are super odd. Like when he rolls his eyes only one rolls, he probably just has a lazy or something but it's weird.

"Uhm earth to Travis?" Shit, must have zoned out. "What?" "Dude, you were staring at me like you just saw a ghost... I mean, you have but- never mind." He laughed a little. I kinda like his laugh to be honest, it sounds nice. Wait no. Travis that's gay, shut up. "Right sorry, I zoned out for a second." "It's okay." We set down our stuff at a round table in the library and started looking for some books so we can information on Edison. After we found a few we sat down at the table and wrote down anything we thought could be useful for our project.

POV: Sal

As we were writing stuff down I looked at Travis, there was a bruise on his left wrist. Huh.. I've never noticed that before "How'd that happen?" I pointed at his bruise. "Oh.. nothing, just fell the other day that's all." He put his hand in his sleeve so I couldn't see it. Weird. You sure don't get bruises like that from falling over. I decided to ask Travis about what's been going on, and why he's been acting weird the past couple of weeks. "Hey Travis, what's been going on? You've been acting odd lately." "What do you mean?" "Well usually every day you'll hit me or say something offensive but ever since that day at the apartments you don't bully me nearly as often. Why? Like I'm not complaining but I just want to know if we said something about your dad that we're not supposed to or something."

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