Chapter 5 - Confessions

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Hola 🤓 so my last chapter did really bad even tho I was super proud of it 😪 but it's fine, LMAO. I was looking through the chapters I've posted so far and I realized that I've been calling Sally Face just Sal during Travis chapters because I completely forgot that he doesn't call Sal by his real name so my bad 😭 but I think I fixed all of the mistakes so it's okay HAHA ANYWAYS ENJOY

POV: Travis

Damnit. I put the sticky note with Sally's number on it in my pocket and walked out the door. My mom picked me up from school today, father was working at the church all day and he wasn't going to be home until really late so it's just mom and I today. Thank God.

[ Time skip to dinner bc I'm lazy ]

Mom made potatoes and meatloaf for dinner, it was my favourite food but I just kinda picked at it this time. I couldn't get Sal off my mind. Should I actually text him? Or was he just trying to be nice? "What's wrong kiddo? You seem upset. You won't even eat your dinner." I looked up at my mom, "Oh sorry, it tastes good." I put down my fork. "Hey mom." "What's up?" Just tell her what happened. Maybe I can ask her for advice without actually telling her it's about a guy.  "I kinda screwed up." "What do you mean?" "Well there's someone from my school that I like, and I'm having trouble talking to them. Every time I try to talk I end up saying something hurtful whiteout meaning it. And then I feel bad."

"I've had the same thing happen to me before, does this person know that you like them?" "Ohhh no, I tried to tell them today but I didn't get the chance. I feel like I just don't know how to speak around this person." "Okay then, try doing something nice for them, you don't have to use words for it. Just give them a nice gesture or something you know? Show this girl that you care about her!" She gave me a thumbs up. "What girl?" I quickly covered my mouth. Fuck. Man Travis your an idiot. "Wait what?" "Nothing, yeah your right I'll do that." I started panicking, what if she doesn't support me? What if she starts to act like father? "Travis is this about a guy? You can tell me." (If you guys understood sk8 reference your elite and ily)

I sighed, no turning back now. "Yeah.. it is." "Okay, who is this guy?" She asked. "His name is Sal." "Wait.. Sal? Like Sal Fisher? Like the guy that wore the mask? Like the one that you broke?" Noooo, why did she have to bring that part up? I sighed, "Yeah that's the one." "Wait wait wait let me get this straight, you bullied this kid since the first day of school. And you have a crush on him. But you keep being rude to him? Travis I'm confused." "Well if I'm being honest, I don't want to be rude to Sal. I really like him but I know dad would be mad if he found out. So I thought being rude to him would help me a realize that what I'm feeling is wrong, and dad wouldn't have to find out."

My mom sighed, "I understand where your coming from but don't bully the guy, yes your dad would be very upset, but he doesn't have to know. I can help you, try talking to Sal tomorrow at school. "Well Sal actually gave me his number. He said if I wanted to talk I could just call him or something." "Oh okay! Even better, call him. Ask him if he wants to hang out or something. Sometimes talking to a person about this type of thing is much easier face to face rather than on the phone." Nooo now mom wants me to hangout with Sal? I mean maybe it wouldn't be too bad.. right? "Okay yeah, I'll text him right now." I grabbed the sticky note out of my pocket and dialled his number on my phone, I texted him asking if he was busy.

Travis: Hey Sally, it's Travis.

Sal: oh hey travis whats up

Travis: Nothing much. Are you busy right now?

Sal: nope, larry and i just finished ghost hunting actually 😭

Travis: Why are you crying?

Sal: wdym
Sal: ohhh the emoji? yah i use that as a laughing emoji lmao

How come he doesn't use proper grammar? It's weird. And what's with the weird letters? "Lmao." What does that even mean?

Travis: Okay, well are you busy right now?

Sal: nope why

Travis: Can I come over?

Sal: of course! like rn?

Travis: Yes.

Sal: okay yah sure

Travis: Alright. I'll be there in a bit.

Sal: kk see ya travis

"He said I can come over, is that okay?" I put my phone on the table. "Of course! I'll drive you as soon as I'm done cleaning up dinner." "Okay." After we finished cleaning up she drove me to Addison Apartments. "Bye mom, love you." "Love you too kiddo, good luck." I closed the car door and went inside. Sal told me he lives in apartment 402 so I went up there. I hoped Larry wasn't there, that would make things super awkward. I knocked on the door and a man with blue hair opened it, I'm assuming it was Sal's dad. Hi I'm Travis, is Sal home?" "Travis? Didn't you break Sal's prosthetic a few weeks ago?" Damnit. Sal told his dad what happened. Great first Impression Travis. "Yeah that was me. Im sorry about that." "Mhm. Sal's in his room." Sal's dad moved out of the way and let me in, he pointed to a wooden door and said that's Sal's room. I thanked him and knocked on Sal's door.

"Come in!" I opened the door, his room was a bit smaller than mine, "Hey Travis!" Sal sat at his desk, he was drawing something but I couldn't see what it was. "Hey Sal." He gestured for me to sit down on his bed so I did. "So what's up? How come you wanted to come over?" He asked me. "Oh I don't know, we never got to finish our conversation earlier, in the bathroom." I was starting to get nervous. I wanted to tell him how I feel but I'm terrified. What if he ends up hating me? I mean I deserve it after everything I did to him I guess. "Oh right!" Sal got up from his chair and sat next to me on the bed and pulled out a note from his pocket.

...It was my note. The one I wrote to him earlier. Shit. What if he knows it's mine? "I found this in the bathroom earlier before we talked, is it yours?" He unfolded the note and handed it to me. "Oh. Yeah it is." "Is that why you were crying? The person that you wrote the letter to, did they reject you or something?" "No it's nothing like that, I guess I just chickened out, I was going to give them the letter but I couldn't do it so I threw it out. I must have missed the garbage." I started bouncing my leg on the floor. I was getting so nervous.

"As far as I can tell, this person you wrote the letter to is a guy. Am I right?" How the fuck is this dude so smart? Was it really that obvious? "Wait, how did you know?" "Well in the letter it says 'That's not how a boy should feel.' and typically no one says something like that unless a person they like is the same gender." Holy cow he's smart. "Do you mind telling me who this guy is? Maybe I can help you." Okay Travis.. you got this. Just tell him. How hard can it really be? I took a deep breath, "Uh, it's actually y-" The door got thrown open making me jump. It was Larry. "Sally Face!" Sal got up, "Larry, hey!" "Wanna come downstairs and play video games?" Sal looked over at and then back at Larry, "Sorry Lar, I can't right now. Maybe later?" Larry looked at me and his smile dropped. "Wait what's he doing here?" "Oh Travis just came over to say hi. No biggie."

POV: Sal

Ignoring me, Larry walked over to Travis. "Why the hell are you here Travis?" "Larry c'mon just leave it dude, I'll hangout with you later." Larry wouldn't pay attention to me. I don't want him to start drama again. "No it's okay Sal, I'll see you at school tomorrow." Travis got up and left the room, before I could follow him Larry stopped me. "Sal why was he here? Did he hurt you again?" "Larry stop. For once can you not butt in?" I quickly left my room and followed Travis. When I got off the elevator I could see Travis outside from the window, I ran after him.

"Travis!" He turned around and looked at me. "I'm sorry about Larry, we can still talk if you want." "Sorry Sal I'm not really in the mood now, I'll see you tomorrow." He walked away. I heard the door open behind me, "Sal why did you get so offended? I was just making sure you were okay." "Well stop it Larry, I can take care of myself." I walked past him, back inside. I hit the elevator button and stepped inside. Larry stood right in front of me, in the hallway. "Why are you so obsessed with Travis all of a sudden? It makes no sense dude." "I'm not obsessed with him Lar. I just.. we're just friends." The elevator doors closed and led me upstairs. Larry always butts into everything, I get he's just being protective. Especially when it comes to Travis but he needs to stop, he hasn't seen Travis the way I have.

Hey y'all, I know this chapter isn't the best but I tried 😭 also if you guys understood that sk8 the infinity reference earlier in the chapter I love you 🙄💗 ... and your gay 🤨

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