Chapter 9 - Accusations

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Hey bitches and bros and nonbinary hoes! (Sk8 reference, get with it ppl) Anyways I apologize for the short chapter the other day 😪 I had writers block for a while and I couldn't come up with anything else to put in the chapter so yeah. Also a bit of a disclaimer that this chapter includes s/a mention again so beware of that! :) enjoy!

POV: Third Person

After Travis got out of the apartment building he stopped, he couldn't go home. Father would kill him. He can't go back to Sal because he probably hates him. Travis had no where else to go. Travis sighed and walked down the drive way, and onto the street. He was freezing, it's early December at this point and it's almost twelve in the morning so it's fucking cold. Travis headed down the street until he reached a gas station and went inside, he needed something to eat or at least drink just for tonight. After he stepped inside the convenience store he realized he didn't even have money so he had to turn back around and walk back outside in the cold. He ended up deciding going back home anyways, where else was he going to sleep?

Travis started heading back home, all the lights were off so he assumed his parents were sleeping. Quietly, Travis opened his front door and stepped inside, and locked the door trying not to wake his parents. "Where were you Travis?" He slowly turned around and saw his father standing in front of him. "I was at a friends house sir." Travis stared at his feet. "You were with that little fag weren't you?" Travis stayed silent. "Hey! Look at me when I'm talking to you!" Kenneth slapped Travis across the face. He stayed staring at his feet, Travis knew better than to do the opposite of what he's told but he was too scared to look up.

Kenneth gave up, he was too tired to hurt Travis tonight. "Fine. Go to your room before I beat your ass." Kenneth moved out of the way, letting Travis pass by him. Travis started walking upstairs to his room, when he noticed his parents bedroom door was open. His mom wasn't in there. He looked in the bathroom, she wasn't there either. "Where's mother?" Travis asked. "While you were off being a little fairy with that guy, your mother got sick. She didn't last that long." Kenneth walked up the stairs and stood in front of Travis, smiling at him. Travis' heart dropped, there was no way his mom would die that fast. Father must have done something to her.

"Now go to your room like I told you to." Travis silently walked across the hall into his room. It looked the same way it always looks, empty. Travis barely has anything in his room besides a small book shelf full of bibles and old Christian song books, a dresser beside his bed and a mirror on the wall by his door. He had his own bathroom too, that was always empty as well. He hated his room, but that was the only place that he was safe from Kenneth. Ever since he could remember, whenever he got scared he would take this little stuffed animal he had, a small elephant he called Lilly and hid in his closet on the floor. He did that for years before his father took Lilly and threw her in the fire place, saying that stuffed animals are for little girls. That was only a year ago.

POV: Travis

My alarm blared in my ear, I didn't want to go to school. I don't want to see Sal or Larry. Maybe I could just avoid them all day. I walked into the crowded hallways and pushed my way through everyone to get to my locker. Sal and his friends were standing in front of my locker. "Can you guys move.. please?" Larry glared at me and moved. As I opened up my locker I could feel Larry and Ashley staring at me. Sal didn't even look at me.

I was about to say something but the bell rang, letting everyone know classes were about to start. "Okay we gotta go to class, see you at lunch Sal." Larry gave me one last glare and headed down the hall with Ashley for their class. Sal stayed put. "Travis can you tell me what happened? What happened with Richie yesterday?" I thought for a moment, can I really tell him what happened? Would he even believe me? What going to happen with Larry? I avoided the question, "We're gonna be late for class Sal." I tried walking away but Sal stepped in front of me, putting his hands on my shoulders. "Wait, Travis." "Get your hands off me, Sal." I pushed his hands away and he backed up.

"Travis what's gotten into you?" Sal stepped closer to me and reached for me again. "I said don't touch me!" I pushed Sal away, knocking him into the ground. "Okay... okay, I'm sorry." "Well you should be." I slammed my locker shut and went to the bathroom.

POV: Sal (after school)

I knocked on Todd's apartment door, "Todd! I need to talk to you! Answer the door man!" Todd opened the door, "Hey, come in, what's up?" I walked into his apartment, "Question. Can you get into the security camera footage from the basement?" I asked. "I mean, I could probably hack into the system, why?" Todd led me to his room. "I wanna know what actually happened with Richie and Travis."

"But we already know what happened Sal. Travis hurt Richie, end of story." "Todd c'mon. Just do it please." Todd sighed and sat down in front of his computer, doing his nerdy shit to get into the security footage. Todd went back to the footage from the other night and played it back. "Holy shit. Richie was lying. We gotta tell Larry." "Right behind ya, Sal." Todd and I back down to Larry's apartment. "Lar! We gotta talk." He was watching Rick and Morty in the living room, "What's up guys?" "Richie was lying! Travis didn't assault him. It was the complete opposite." I said.

Larry gave me a weird look, "And I'm supposed to just believe that? I've known Richie since I was like ten years old. He's not the lying type... Travis on the other hand.." He crossed his arms. "No Larry, we're serious. Sal and I got into the security system and-" "Stop. I saw everything with my own two eyes. It was all Travis." I rolled my eyes at him, "Larry, we have proof. Come to Todd's apartment and we'll show you." "No, you've hated Richie from the start. I know you just wanna get dirt on him just because. Just get out man, geez." I didn't argue back, we just walked out. "We'll prove it to him. Somehow." I said.

POV: Third Person

Sal looked for Travis the next day at school. He was easy to spot, he always wore that purple sweatshirt almost every day. "Travis!" Sal ran up to him. "I know what really happened. I'm sorry." "Sorry for what? I was the one that pushed you." Travis opened his locker and shoved his backpack in it. "Yeah but I shouldn't have put hands on you. You had every right to react that way, that shits scary." "It's okay Sal." Travis gave Sal a sad smile. Then Larry came up, "Your in front of my locker. Move." He said to Sal. "Oh sorry Lar." He moved away from the lockers and stood beside Travis. "Mhm." Larry grabbed his books and left for his class.

"What's wrong with Larry?" Travis asked, "Todd and I tried telling him that Richie was lying about what happened and he got mad. He refuses to believe us. But it's okay, we'll convince him.. somehow."

The rest of first and second period passed by really fast. Next thing Sal knew, it was lunch. Him, Travis and Todd made an agreement to meet in the hallway to talk to Ashley about what actually happened. She didn't believe us either, no surprise there though. She'll do anything to stay on Larry's good side. They did talk to Chug and Maple too, luckily they believed them, so the five had lunch together without Larry or Ashley.

"So who are you guys bringing to the dance this weekend?" Maple asked Todd. "I assume your bringing Neil right?" She said. "Bingo." He replied. "What about you guys? You and Chug going together?" "Yes sir!" Sal butted in, "So are you two dating now?" He asked them. Maple and Chug just nodded in response. "How about you two? You guys still okay?" Chug asked. Sal and Travis nodded, "Hey Travie, wanna go to the dance together?" Sal asked him. "Yeah sure, but it depends if father will even let me go." "Are you sure you don't wanna come back to my place?" Sal asked. "Yeah I'm sure." Travis would easily go back to Sal's but he needs to figure out what happened to his mom first. And if Kenneth was involved.

Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is a bit short again and I'm also sorry that it ended on a weird spot. I wasn't sure how to end it and i felt the need to update so yeah. I know that the chapter seems to just go really fast because I get to the point so quickly but that's mostly because I wrote this story for only one single thing and I'm very eager to write it so I've been trying to speed up the story as quick as possible just because LMAO so I'm sorry haha. But anyways I hope your enjoying the story so far! I'll update again this week hopefully ;) have a good day/night everyone! <3

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