Chapter 8 - The Sleepover

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Hey everyone! I'm sorry I do Travis' POV so often 🥲 just his point of view is always the easiest to write I guess LMAO

POV: Travis

"I like you too." Sal let go of my wrist, I sat down back beside him, "Really? Your not just fuckin' with me right?" He shook his head, "No Trav, I'm being serious. I really like you, I have for a while now. I had a feeling that note was about me I was just waiting for you to say it." I couldn't believe it.. he actually likes me back! "So like.. now what?" Sal laughed a little. "Are we like, dating now orrr?" "If you want to yeah." I said. This was so awkward. "Okay yeah! How are we going to tell Larry?" "Oh he already knows."

"Wait what? How can he possibly know? This all happened like.. two minutes ago." I told Sal that I've been trying to ask him out for a while now and that Larry said he'd help me. Sal and I talked a little bit before deciding to go down to the basement to join Todd, Ash and Larry.

We walked downstairs to Larry's apartment, holding hands.  Ashley and Larry were sitting on the floor playing video games with Todd, who was on the couch. Larry looked at our hands which were intwined, "I fucking called it! Ash you owe me ten bucks." "Oh c'mon!" Ashley handed Larry a ten dollar bill. "You guys bet on us?" Sal asked. "Of course we did, also Ashley you forgot about me." Todd held out his hand. Ashley sighed and handed him another ten bucks. "Both of you? Really guys? Your such kids." I said. "Oh c'mon, leave is alone." Ash laughed.

POV: Sal

Larry got a text, "Hey guys is it okay if one of my friends from my old elementary school comes and hangs with us? He's pretty chill." "Yeah I'm good with that." I shrugged. "Same." Travis said. "I'm just gonna go put my prosthetic on, I'll be right back." (Side note: His dad bought him 2 masks when Travis broke the only one Sal had.) Larry invited him over, about half hour went by and his friend showed up. "Hey Larry! Haven't seen you in a while." This guy was a bit shorter than Larry, he looked kinda like those cheap, male MyLife dolls you'd find at Walmart to be honest. You know, the ones with the really shitty haircuts so they cover the dolls head with a beanie? Hey Richie! This is Sal, Travis, Ashley and Todd." "Hey guys." We all said hey back.

Richie seemed pretty chill, we played a few video games and watched some movies. Although he did seem a little weird to me. Every time Travis and I would hold hands or anything like that, Richie would give me a weird glare. I feel like he keeps staring at Travis too, I can tell it's making Travis uncomfortable. Later on Maple and Chug came over too. "I'm boooorrreedddd." Larry was spread out on the living room floor. "Why don't we play a game or something?" I sat back down on the floor with everyone else, setting a bowl of popcorn down in the middle. "We should play truth or dare!" Ash piped up.

We rearranged ourselves so we were in a circle, I was beside Travis. Richie beside him, Larry beside Richie, then it was Ashley, Todd, Maple, and then Chug. "Okay okay, I'll go first. Maple, truth or dare?" Ash asked her. "Dare." "I dare you to kiss Chug." Maple blushed, we all know she likes him, she's so obvious about it too. "...Okay fine." Maple gave Chug a little peck on the lips. It was silent for a minute before we all started laughing, Maple and Chug were both blushing messes. "You guys make it so awkward!" Maple threw a pillow at Ash, she threw it back at Maple. "Anyways," Maple looked around the room, "Larry. Truth or dare?" "Truth." "Your lame." I said. "Fuck off Fisher." He flipped me off.

"Okay, who do you like?" Maple asked him. Larry stayed silent and looked at Ashley. "Uhm.." Ash wasn't paying  attention, she was looking at her phone, Larry took the chance and pointed at her. "No no, you gotta say their name out loud." Maple said. Ashley looked up from her phone and back at Larry. "Who is it?" She asked him, he hid his face in his hand and pointed at Ash again. "Hold up.. me?" She asked him. Larry just nodded, not looking at her. He looked at me from across the circle still hiding his face from Ash. He was red as a fucking tomato. "I like you too." Ash said. It was silent again for a minute when Todd spoke up. "Damn what's with everyone confessing their love for each other today? I mean we got Sal and Travis first, then Maple kissed Chug like not even ten minutes ago and now you two?" We all laughed.

I looked over at Travis, he seemed uncomfortable again. Then I noticed Richie, he kept moving closer and closer to Travis, but glaring at me. I was about to say something but Larry spoke up, "Okay it's my turn! Richie, truth or dare?" "Dare." "Okay, I dare you to shotgun a beer." Richie got up and walked towards the fridge and grabbed a beer, he took a pocket knife out of his pant pocket and poked a hole in the side of the can and started chugging it. "Chug! Chug! Chug!" We all chanted. He finished the beer and threw the empty can on the ground, we all clapped and laughed. "Okay my turn!" Richie sat back down next to Travis, closer this time so their knees were touching. I noticed Travis tense up.

"Sal, truth or dare?" Richie gave me a smile, it was a bit unsettling if I'm being honest. I thought for a minute, "dare." "I dare you to take off your mask." Everybody looked at me, I shifted uncomfortably in my spot. "Sally, you don't have to do that." Larry looked at me, then at Richie, "Rich, give him a different dare. That's one thing he can't do." Richie sighed, "Okay fine I'll think of another one." Richie stood up and walked over to the beer can he left on the floor and picked it up, "For now, Travis can you help me find the recycling bin?" Travis stood up, "Yeah sure." Richie walked past me, kicking my shin in the process, pretending it was an accident.

[TW: S/A]

POV: Travis

I led Richie out of the apartment to the recycling bin, which was right by the lost and found box. "It's right here." I pointed to the bin. "Hey Travis, you know.. your kinda cute." Richie stepped closer to me, inching away from my face. I stepped back, "I have a boyfriend." Does he not get the hint? "You mean Sally Face?" Richie looked unamused. "Like, the guy with the mask? That loser?" He laughed a little. "C'mon Travis, your really cute. Sal doesn't have know." I sighed, "Just throw out the can so we can go back to the-" Before I could finish my sentence, Richie put his lips on mine. I pushed him away, "What the hell!?" I tried to walk past him but he stopped me, Richie grabbed my wrist and pulled me back towards him not letting go. I looked at him in the eyes, "Get. Off. Me." I tried yanking my wrist away from his grasp but it didn't work.

Richie then took my free hand so I couldn't defend myself and pinned me against the wall. I tried wiggling out of his grasp but it was no use, this guy is stronger than he looks. Before I could yell for help, Richie kissed me again. No matter how much I struggled out of his grasp he wouldn't stop. He put his knee in between my thighs. "Stop making this complicated Travis." He whispered. He then let go of one of my hands, before I could push him off of me again he grabbed both my wrists with one hand and pinned them above my head. He took his free hand and trailed it down my neck. My heart was pounding out of my chest. I was terrified. His hand went down to my waist, and up my shirt. I shivered, his hands were freezing. He kissed me again. That's when Larry came out. Richie immediately jumped away from me. "What the hell is going on?"


"Larry thank god!" Richie walked over to Larry,  and pointed at me. "You should have seen it! Travis was all over me!" I was what?! I looked at Larry, "The hell?! Nah man you were the one all over me!! Larry c'mon! Don't believe this dick head, he's full of shit!" I looked back at Richie, he was crying. Damn. Sure is going the extra mile to make him seem like the victim. Larry walked over to me. "Get out." He growled. "But La-" "I said get the fuck out of here!" He pointed to the elevator. I hesitantly walked over to the elevator, and clicked the button. Once I stepped inside I stared at Richie, he gave me a little wave and blew me a kiss. That fucking asshole.

POV: Third Person

After Travis left, Larry turned back to look at Richie. "Rich, are you okay? What did he do to you?" Richie sniffled, wiping away his fake tears. "He kissed me, he wouldn't stop. He even tried to take my clothes off." Larry hugged Richie, "I'm so sorry dude. I had no idea Travis was like this." Larry said. Sal then walked out to the hall. "What happened?" He asked. "Your boyfriend harassed Richie." Larry said harshly. Sal's stomach dropped, "What?" The rest of the group then walked out to the hall too. "Woah, what the fuck happened? Where's Travis?" Ashley asked. Richie told everyone what happened with Travis, playing the victim and making up more lies along the way to make it seem more realistic. Everyone believed him.

Hey everyone! So sorry this chapter is a bit short and I'm very sorry if it sucks ass🧍🏼‍♀️ I just felt like I haven't updated in forever and I needed to update so yeah! I was in a writers block for a while but I should be okay now, I'll try and post more frequently now. Also just a disclaimer that my comments don't work so I can't comment anything on wattpad whether it would be on my own story or other peoples stories so I apologize if I do not answer a comment! Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you guys later :)

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