Chapter 10 - The Dance

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Hi everyone! Okay so I know the past couple of chapters were a bit random but in this one we will finally be getting somewhere LMAO also a disclaimer that whenever I mention a song playing in the story you should actually listen to the song while reading that specific part, it'll add to the story more 😉. Okay enjoyyy!!

Also it has been a bit since I've updated and I forget things very easily, so if I put something in this chapter that doesn't make sense or something I might not have mentioned, I apologize. I'm just going off of what I remember writing. 😭

POV: Third Person

The dance was tomorrow, Travis still hasn't figured out what happened to his mom. There could be no way that his mom just disappeared that fast, Kenneth had to have done something to her. The only thing that really made sense to Travis is if she was involved in the cult. Sal and his friends told him everything about the apartments, the cult, the ghosts, the red eyed demon. Everything. Maybe the cult did something to her. Travis didn't have time to think about it, he had to get ready for the dance before Sal showed up. He wore a blue suit and black shoes, and of course his cross necklace.

Travis heard the doorbell and ran downstairs. Sal stood behind the door, wearing a white button up with a black vest over it, and dress pants. He didn't have his hair in pigtails today either. "Hey Travis! You ready?" Travis nodded and the two headed out. Travis didn't have to worry about seeing his dad because he was working late at the church tonight.

POV: Travis

Sal and I had to walk to the school, a few weeks ago Larry and everyone else planned on going together in his truck. But now Larry or Ashley won't even talk to us, so driving with them is a no go. Luckily the school wasn't too far from my house so we only had to do a little walking. When we got there, Larry and Ashley were outside by his truck smoking. Trying to be nice, I waved at him. He just rolled his eyes and took Ashley inside. Rude.

We walked into the school and into the gym where the dance was. A lot of people were wearing Christmas colours, since it was a Christmas themed dance. Maple and Chug walked up to us, "Hey guys! You two look great!" Maple said. "Thanks, so do you two!" Sal replied, he looked around at the crowd, "Hey have you guys seen Todd or Neil anywhere?" "Oh yeah, their over by the punch bowl." Chug pointed across the gym at the guys chatting by the snack table.

Neil noticed me and waved at us, I waved back and they walked up to us, "Hey guys! You all look great!" Neil said. "So do you two!" Todd thanked us and we all headed into the crowd to dance. One of mine and Sal's favourite songs were playing, 'Fluorescent Adolescent' by Arctic Monkeys. Half way through the song got thirsty, "Hey Sal I'm gonna go grab punch, want some?" He nodded. I walked over to the punch bowl and started pouring us two glasses of punch when someone came up behind me.

POV: Third Person

"Hey Travis!" Travis turned around and saw him. "The fuck are you doing here Richie? You don't even go to this school." Avoiding his question Richie asked, "You still going out with that Sally guy?" He pointed over at Sal dancing in the crowd. "Why do you care?" Travis tried walking away but Richie grabbed him by the wrist making him drop the two drinks on the floor. "The fuck man?" Travis got out of Richies grasp and picked up the empty cups from the floor and threw them out. He tried to walk away again but Richie grabbed him again and dragged him into the locker room, locking the door behind him.

[TW: S/A]

Richie threw Travis onto the floor. "Let me go Richie." Travis stood up and tried to punch Richie but missed. He grabbed Travis by the sleeve of his blazer. Travis managed to get the blazer off, and bolted to the door managing to unlock it. Richie grabbed him and threw him on the floor again, sitting on him. He took his belt off and tied Travis' wrists behind his back, so he couldn't move them. "What the hell are you doing? Let me go!" Richie covered Travis' mouth with his hand. "Shhh." Travis bit Richies hand, "Ow! The hell is wrong with you!" He quickly moved his hand away from Travis.


Sal looked over at the snack table, Travis wasn't there. He checked his watch. Travis has been gone for almost ten minutes at this point. Sal glanced around the gym a little, when he heard someone yell from the inside of the locker room. I looked at my friends, "Hey did you guys hear that?" They all stopped dancing and listened. They heard yelling again, and ran for the locker room door. Larry and Ashley were by the door when we got there, Larry threw the door open and Richie turned to look at us.

He was sitting on top of Travis. Travis' blazer was on the floor, and his shirt was half undone and he had his wrists tied behind his back with a belt. Richie quickly got up and buttoned up his shirt. Larry walked up to Richie, "Larry, I can explain." Before Richie could finish Larry punched him across the face making him fall onto the ground. Sal ran over to Travis and helped him get up, and unbuckled the belt from his wrists.

Richie stood up and left. "You okay?" Sal handed Travis his blazer. "Yeah I'm okay now." He buttoned up his shirt and put the blazer back on. "I'm so sorry I didn't believe you guys. I swear he was different." Larry sighed. "It's okay Larry, I get it." Travis gave him a small smile. Then Ashley spoke up, "I'm really sorry too. We okay?" Travis nodded at her. "Wanna go home?" Sal asked him. "Nah, let's enjoy the dance. Plus we only got here half hour ago. I don't wanna leave right away."

POV: Travis

Sal offered his hand to me and I took it. We all headed out of the locker room and back into the gym. The DJ was playing some random rock band, Larry was enjoying that for sure. Then Sal looked at me, "Hey Travis, I'll be back in like two minutes. Wait here." Before I could say anything, Sal ran off through the crowd. A few moments later he came back, and a slow song started playing. It was one of my favourites, 'Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby' by Cigarettes After Sex.

"Wanna dance?" Sal held out his hand. I nodded and took his hand, he led me out to the dance floor. We stood in the middle of the crowd and danced. I held Sal close to me, resting my chin on his shoulder and hugging him. The song was half way done now, I decided to tell Sal how I feel. I took a deep breath. "Hey Sal?"
"I love you." I shut my eyes and put my head on his shoulder regretting saying that. Sal stopped dancing and pulled away to look at me. I opened my eyes and looked back at him.

Sal looked around to see if anyone was looking, then he unclipped his mask, holding it on the side of his face so other people couldn't see. Then he kissed me. It was short but sweet. He pulled away and clipped his mask back on. I've never seen his face before. It was different than what I imagined, but I liked it. It was pretty cool. "Your red as fuck."  Sal laughed. I couldn't help but just stand there and smile like an idiot. He fuckin' kissed me!

*time skip to after the dance*

It was almost 10 pm now, the dance didn't end until 11 but Sal and I wanted to leave early. When we walked outside it was pouring. "C'mon!" Sal grabbed my hand and started running down the street towards the apartments. I followed behind him laughing. He led me to the lake beside the apartments and we laid down on the wet grass by a tree. The rain slowing down a little. "That was fun." I smiled at Sal, he took off his prosthetic and laid it next to him. "Yeah."

Sal looked up at the sky, but I kept my eyes on him. His scars were really cool, there was a chunk of his chin that was missing, and you could see half of the inside of his mouth because there was also a chunk of skin missing from his cheek. I noticed that one eye glistened more than the other one did, and most of his scars seemed to come from his left eye. "Why are you staring at me like that?" Sal smiled at me. "Oh sorry, I zoned out I guess." He looked back up at the sky, and I did the same. It was a pretty damn good night if you ask me.

Heyyy! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :) I was originally gonna use the song 'Hopeless Romantics' for the slow dance, that's why my story is called that actually! It was supposed to relate to the dance but then once I started writing this chapter I realized that calling the story and using the song 'Hopeless Romantics' would be a bit depressing because in reality I mean... their love is kinda hopeless considering their both dead so.. ya know. So I changed the song LMFAO but it was worth it. I still like the title, I'm not changing that HAHA Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Byeee <3

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