Being there

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Shock was written all over my face. My mind raced with questions, what did he mean falling apart? I looked up at him and asked "How is your family falling apart?" He signed "My mom and dad are fighting almost every other day now and my brother is still to young to understand what there fighting about." He looked away "You remember my little brother, Chase. Don't you?" A little smile appeared on my lips. "Of course I remember little Chaser!" He let out a little laugh. "Damn it Lex. You always know how to make me smile." He ruffled up my hair and we both laughed. I felt safe for the first time in years but then he frowned "Your eyes used to be so bright but now there dull and filled with sadness and fear. I said i would protect you but I failed. Im so sorry Lex, i should of been there!" I said "Jack Its okay, I'm still alive right and your here to protect me now." He gave me a small smile "Thank God your alive Lex. Thank God." And hugged me tighter. I put my head on his shoulder and whisper is his ear "Im so happy we found each other again." I could tell he smiled. "Me to Lex."
It started to get dark. "Are you hungry?" I asked while i stood up. "Haha. You bet i am." I smiled "Do you like rabbit?" He stood up "Of course I do! I haven't had rabbit in forever!" I laughed and started to walk down stairs and Jack followed. I started the fire, grabbed the rabbit and started cooking. It was quite while he was eating, after he was done i asked "Why did you come here?" He didn't answer me at first, "I come here often, I always thought one day I would find you here and well look, coming here did help me find you. Just like I thought." He said with a smile and I smiled back. "Sooo... Are you going home tonight or are you staying?" I wanted to know. " Well do you want me to stay?" He looked at me knowingly. "Well I don't want you to leave, I finally got you back! Of course I wouldn't want you to go Jack!" He smirked "Okay, then it's settled, I'm staying." He stood up and walked over to me and sat down next to me. I started to blush but then a question crossed my mind, does he have a girlfriend? I signed and decided to ask, "Hey Jack?" He looked at me "Yeah Lex?" I shifted my eyes away from him "Do you have a girlfriend?" He laughed a little "Nope. Why do you ask?" I smiled again "Just asking." "Haha. Okay Lex, what ever you say." "Whats that supposed to mean?" Putting my hands on my hips. "Nothin." He turned his head away from me to hide his smile. Shaking my head, I smiled and bumped in to him. I laughed when he looked at me with his open mouth and then smiled, he gave me a little push and then smiled again. I pushed him back a little bit harder. "So you wanna play that way." He tackled me and we started wrestling. He was on top of me pinning me down, i flipped us over so i was on too but he flipped us over again. We wrestled for a long time until we were out of breath, I was on top of him and I lifted my self up a little still breathing heavily, I opened my eyes to see Jacks face a few inches from mine. My heart started beating faster than it already was, I could feel his heart beating fast too. I felt his hands on the sides of my waist, I gasped and looked at him. Our eyes locked on to each other's, i felt my body slowly getting closer to his, and i also felt my face getting hot. With out thinking I whispered as low as i could "I love you." "What Lex? I didn't hear you." My heart skipped a beat. His phone Started to ring, I quickly moved and he got his phone out to check who it was. "Hey mom." I signed but heard him talk again "What do you mean I have to come home right now!?" His voice was mad and full of anger. "You can't demand me to do anything! And I'm not coming home!" He ended the phone call and throw his phone at a tree. He walked over to the fire and sat down. I got up and walked over to him phone and picked it up, then I started walking over to the fire and sat down next to him, "I think you would want this back." As į handed him his phone.

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