He was just looking at me with wide eyes and I felt like I did something horrible.. The feelings that I'm feeling are getting the best of me... I'm starting to shake out of the fear of what's going to happen.. I feel as if he was trying not to strangle the both of us at one time but that didn't happen.. He jumped at me and wrapped me in a death grip of a hug!
"Lex! Oh My God! I'm going to be a Dad! We are going to be parents! I-I-I-I'm the happiest man alive because I'm going to be the father and have the mother my child the love of my life."
"You're not mad! I'm so happy to be starting a new chapter of my life with you and the new little one that will be growing inside of me!" I placed my hand on my tummy and smiled
"Lex" Jack said suddenly "I want you to meet my brother his name is Jason... but you don't have to If you aren't ready.."
"Oh My God Jack I would love to meet him! Call him right now! Or go get him! Jack Please!"
"Okay Okay, calm down please"
He pulls out his phone and calls his brother. I just sit down waiting for him to tell me the news. I was going to meet his brother I can't wait! But I kinda feel bad because I have no family for him to meet but even when he says that it's okay I just feel as If it's not..
"Hey Lex you ok?" He sits down next to me after he puts his phone in his pocket
"Oh Yeah I am! SO what did your brother say about coming to meet me?"
"He said that, he was getting is the car because he couldn't wait but I have to go meet him at the road so he knows the way the house so.. Are you okay to stay here for a little while." '
"Hell Yeah! I need to get cleaned up and I'll make some food for all of us what does he like?"
"Lex Chill, but he likes chocolate cake!"
"Oh My God! You guys are really brothers haha"
"Ok Lex I'mma go and meet him so I can bring him here, I love you"
"Love you tooo!"
I was already running up the stairs to get cleaned up. I can't wait!
So after I'm done dressing nice I head to the kitchen to cook the cake and fix some chips and dip. As the cake was cooking I cleaned the whole house and it was spotless. I put blankets in one of the guest bedrooms out of the many in this house. And by then the cake was done so I put it on top of the stove to cool before I put the frosting on. I put on my music and turned it up really loud because I knew they wouldn't be here for a while. I started sing on top of my lungs to one of the songs Jack showed me called 'PillowTalk' by 'ZAYN' After the song was over i went back to the kitchen so frost the cake and of course I was dancing to the next song that played so the frosting got everywhere. After I cleaned up my frosting mess, I turned of my music and turned on the movie 'The Nightmare Before Christmas" I loved this movie for no real reason I just did. After about half way through out the movie I heard there trucks pull up and I jump up and turn the Tv off And could not stay still. I could hear them talking about some story that Jack wants to go to.. Hmm.
"Jack your home!" I ran over and hugged him
"Yeah I am! Lex with is my brother Jason.." I looked over at Jason, He was tall and had thin Blond hair and Looked like Jack a little bit in the face.
"Hey Jason! You can call me Lex If you want"
"Oh Ok But I'll call you Lexie If that's ok?"
"Yeah Call me what you want hehe. But Hey I made some Cake If you're hungry?"
"Yeah i would love some!!" They both said at the same time!
So i went and got the chips and dip and cut a piece of cake for all of us and brought it out to the living room and hand them both there food.
"Oh My God! This Is so Good Lex Holy Shit! Why don't you bake more often?"
"Because we are always doing something!"
"Oh. I'm Sorry Lex.. I didn't know you liked to cook.."
"Haha Its okay> But Jason tell me about you.?"
Jason Talked about his wife and his Little baby that's on the way and I told him about ours, He told me about how he loves to go hunting and how he loves to cook. He asked Jack and I If we were going to get married and i just looked down, Jack had a smiled on his face and I wasn't sure why... But I had an idea.. His brother smiled at him and then we all talked about little things and said stupid jokes After about Three in the morning we all when to our rooms and I layed down next to Jack and went to sleep.

The Moment I knew i was never safe.
PertualanganI was all alone for so long. Then he came back in to my life and changed it. I fell like i can finally live life the way I'm suppose to! But why would the change take so long. I think i might go crazy. My dad keeps finding us, and he wont stop looki...