Chapter 9-April and Casey

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3rd person POV

The next morning, the turtles and the girls woke up at the normal time and went to breakfast. Which consisted of cereal, juice, and toast...Did I mention cereal? Anyway, as you can tell the brothers didn't have a lot of food...something that Wolf and Wings found out the hard way.

"Really?" Wings said looking in the pantry, "Is there nothing else to eat?!"

Raph looked at her from the table and laughed at her, "Of course not." he said, "What do you expect? Your living with four teenagers, never mind the fact that we are mutant turtles...we  don't get out much."

Then Wolf walked in, her hair already her signature long braid that went down her back. Also her training gear already strapped to her body. "Morning!" she said cheerily. Raph gave her a nod and Wings just grunted her way, still mad at the fact she couldn't eat any good food.

Wolf furred her eyebrows and looked at the two, "Well aren't way all just happy this morning." she said sarcastically and then sat down at the table after grabbing a small mug of coffee.

"It's not my fault!" Wings argued, "It's their fault for not having any bloody food!"

Wolf glared at her, "Language." she said

"Sorry..." Wings said as she sat down, glaring at Raph who was smirking at her.

"Were's the others?" Wolf asked sipping her coffee.

"In the lab." Raph said shortly, "Leo broke the toaster...again."

Wolf held in her giggle, "Again?" she asked

"Yup..." Raph said, "Maybe the 1 millionth time."

"Not true." Leo said as he walked in, Donnie and Mikey behind him. Donnie carrying the new fix toaster in his arms.

"So true dude." Mikey said and he sat down in between the two girls and put his arms around them. Much to their discomfort. "And how are you dudettes?"

"Good, that you Mikey." Wolf said

"Fine." Wings mumbled and she removed Mikey's arm, "I think I'm going back to bed."

"You can't." Wolf said, "We have training soo-"

She didn't have time to finish her sentence because Wings walked away. "Does it look like I gave a damn?"

Wolf was practically fuming, "Language!" she said, but Wings waved her off. Wolf sighed and then stood up and put her mug in the sink. "I will be in the dojo, good day." and she walked out.

"Aren't you going to follow her Leo?" Mikey asked

"Why would I?" Leo asked, looking up from his cereal

"Because she's your GIRLLLFRIENNND!" Mikey said and Leo blushed and stuttered.

"Sh-she's not my girlfriend." he said

"Surree." Mikey said, leaning forward wiggling his eyebrows

"I-I'm going to the dojo." Leo said and he jumped up and left

"Your mean." Donnie said drinking his coffee.

"Yup..." Mikey said and he leaned back in his chair, "And don't forget cool, handsome, amazing-" But his rant was cut short from the chair leaning back to much and he fall on the ground with a THUMP.

"Yup...super cool." Raph said smirking.

"Ow..." Mikey said rubbing his behind.


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