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                             (one of Wings and Wolf's outfits)

So this just going to be about my oc's. Sorry if you don't like it, it's just helps me if I forget what they look like and that (weird right?), anyway hope this shows more about what they look like and stuff...

I will stop talking know...


Name: Anastaisa Stephens

Nickname: Wolf

Age: 15(older of the two)

Looks: Long blond hair, brown eyes with grey sprinkles, a bit above average height, fit, and fairly beautiful.

Personality: Kind, Strict, Leader, Stern sometimes, can be a prankster, loves childern, smart (not super smart but average) and loves her family and friends and will do anything to protect them.

Weapon: Hook Swords (Shaung Gou) that can lock together to make a long sword.

Family and Friends: Her parents died when she was very young and then she moved in with her Grandmother (Master Oshima). Her best friend is Vivian (Wings) and they both think of each other as sisters from another mister (but they fight sometimes like Raph and Leo).

Extra: Likes medatating, singing (in private), dancing, sparring, and Space Heroes...kinda (Sorry!)

Name: Vivian Spark

Nickname: Wings

Age: 15

Looks: Long dyed red hair (she sometimes cuts it into a pixie), gold eyes, tall but smaller then Raph, fit, stronger then Wolf, fairly beautiful.

Personality: Hot head, tough, won't take no for an answer, loves to fight/spar, sarcastic, dare devil, dosen't like school very much, loves her family and friends but dosen't show it very often, keeps feelings to herself.

Weapon: Sai and tiger claws

Family and Friends: She dosen't talk about her parents to anyone. Master Oshima found her outside when Vivian was 6 and brought her inside (Wolf was already there).They quickly became friends and they still are (like I said before).

Extra: Likes to read comics and magizens, sometimes is jealous that Wolf gets to be leader, loves animals, singing (in private), when Wolf likes to meditate on things, Wings likes to punch the dummy and anyone else for that matter when shes stressed, and dosen't cry easily.


Anyway there are the oc's and the next chapter will be up soon:)



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