Chapter 4-Trying to Find Wings... This Should Be Interesting (Part 1)

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Wolf's POV

"WINGS!" I called into the dark sewers, "WINGS!" I then came to the manhole cover, "Ugh...great, just what I need." And I climbed up...

Let me say, New York wasn't what I was expecting. When Sensei Oshima, Wings and I came off of the plane from home, it wasn't as sepctauliar as I was lead to believe. It was acctully kinda gross, but we also couldn't go site seeing because we had to go the sewers-lair-thing. And now I get to see an allyway and then I don't know how I'm going to find Wings...

I wish the guys could have come with me...No stop Wolf, you can do this! You are an independant young woman!...

"Ah, who am I kidding." I said to myself, "I don't even know where to start!-"

"Are you lost little girlie?" a evil sounding voice said and I stiffened.

"I think she is." another voice said laughing evilly, "What are we going to do about it?"

"I don't know, what do you think?"

I felt them behind me, I knew they were there I just had to get them out of the way...So I thought up a plan...

"Please don't hurt me!" I said falling to my knees, "I'll give you my money! I promise!" and they fell for it when they came over. One was tall and bulkey, they other shorter and skinny. And from I could see, they didn't have any weapons...Perfect, I thought, this will be easy.

"Oh we don't just want your money...if you know what I mean." Muscels said in a deep voice. Pencil laughed, yay Pencil, you read right.

Sickos. I thought. But I stayed in character. "Please." I fake begged, "I have a family, I just want to go to them!" Thats so pathetic I thought and I mentally cringed thinking that the might not buy it...but just my luck, they did.

"Don't worry little girl, just come with us..." Muscels reached out to grab my hand. Perfect, I thought just what I wanted...

And when his hand was about to touch me, I grabed his hand and flipped him over my head. Pencil was so surprised that he just stood there stunned and I punched him. And he feel beside his fallen comrade and I just smirked.

"Thank'll teach you not to mess with everyone you see." and I flipped my hair and walked off.

"I still need to find Wings..."


"Hey that's not fair!" Mikey yelled at Raph when he fell to the ground. The turtles were sparing and Mikey wasn't doing that well...

"Come on Mikey!" Leo urged his younger brother. "Try harder!"

"What do you think I'm doing!" Mikey yelled back as Raph came at him again. "AHHH!!" Mikey screamed and he ran away.

"Ugh! Mikey!" Raph yelled at him, "Stop running away!"

"Never!" Mikey yelled from somewhere in the lair, "You will not take me alive!"

Leo smacked his forehead, "Mikey, stop being a drama queen!"

"Actually Leo, Mikey would be considered a drama KING, not queen." Donnie said with finger in the air.

"Not the time Don." Leo said annoyed.

"My sons," Master Splinter said as he walked in holding Mikey by the ear (you know what I mean), "it is time to leave, the night is among us, you must go and help Anastasia find Vivian. Now go!"

"Yes Sensei!"

Next chapter! Yay

I hope you liked it and don't forget to check out my other story, 'When Two Teams Collide (A Guardians of the Galaxy Love Story).

And don't forget to vote, comment (please!!), and follow!

And thanks to purpletiger123 and RisingOfObsidian for voting on this story and the other. Make sure to check them out



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