Chapter 10-Chances

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So, first things first...

I want to know if you guys like April and Casey...?

...Or April and Donnie...?

Leave your preference's in the comments and I will read them.

PS. It's just for the future of this story, just if you wanted to know.

Back to the Story!!


"So how long have you guys known the guys." April asked the other girls.

"We just got here this week." Wolf answered, "What about you guys?"

"We were the first humans to know about them." April said smiling.

Wolf nodded and then took the slice of pizza Mikey offered her, thanking him. They all ate in comfortable silence, once in a while chit-chatting and joking around. But then Wings caught Casey looking at her.

"What?!" she asked annoyed

"Nothing." Casey said and he looked down.

"If you have something to say, then just say it one-tooth-wonder!" Wings said.

"First of all, don't call me that, and to answer your question. Why are you here?" Casey asked and April nodded, agreeing with him.

Wings looked to Wolf, but she just shrugged, going back to eating her pizza. Wings sighed and then turned back to the two teens. "Our Sensi sent us here to receive further training. There wasn't a lot of action back home..."

"And were was that?" April asked.

"Winnipeg." Wolf answered, finally looking up from her pizza. "And it wasn't just the fact that there wasn't any action, as Wings would put it. Not a lot of people really...liked us all that much..."

"Why?" Donnie asked, "I mean, you guys are really cool people, and nice."

Wolf smiled, "Thanks Donnie, but...I prefer not to talk about it..."

"But-" Mikey started, but then was elbowed in the side by Leo. And he sent him a look, and Mikey shut up. "I mean, who wants more?!" Basically everyone said yes, and another round of pizza was passed around.

<><><><>Time Skip<><><><>

"I'm so glad that there's more girls around here." April said as she hugged her new friends. "I've been so lonely."

Wolf hugged her back and smiled. "It's good to talk to someone besides them." she said and she pointed to the guys.

"Ditto." Wings said, kinda hugging April back.

April laughed, "Well it was nice to meet you guys." she said, "See you later."


"See ya."

April and Casey then walked out the door. And Wolf turned to her friend.

"Their nice." she said smiling.

"Ya...I guess." Wings said, shrugging.

Wolf shook her head. "Well I like them, it's nice to know someone else here...besides the guys and you."

"Whats that supposed to mean?" Wings asked as they started walking back to the lounge.

"Oh, nothing." Wolf said grinning. Wings just chuckled at her weirdness.

As they walked into the lounge, the brothers all stopped what they were doing and looked over to them.

"Wait...?" Wings asked cautiously

"Nothing." Leo said, "It's guys like April and Casey?"

"Yea, their nice." Wolf said smiling, and Wings agreed with her. Leo nodded saying that was good.

"My sons, girls." Master Splinter said coming into the room, startling everyone.

"How does he do that?!" Wings wispheard-shouted to Wolf. Wolf just shrugged her shoulders shacking her head.

"Geez Master Splinter, at least cough next time." Raph said from his place on the ground, he was reading a magazine and he fell over.

"I am very sorry." Master Splinter said, "But I just came here to say that." he turned to the girls. "I wanted you to know that I am allowing you two to go on patrol tonight."

"Yes!" The two girls said smiling, "Thank you Master Splinter." they both bowed.

"Yes, yes. Know go." he turned back to his sons, who were either smiling, nodding or scowling.

"What is wrong this time, Raphael?" Splinter asked his second oldest son.

"It's just...they'll slow us down!" he complained

"No we won't!" Wings said right back, "We can run just as fast as you can Hot-Shot!"

"Oh yea?!" Raph challenged, "I'd like to see you try." by this time they were both in each others faces, scowling and growling.

"If they kiss I'm going to puke." Mikey said.

"What no!!" they both yelled and then they headed back to their original spots. Mumbling and Grumbling.

Master Splinter chuckled, "I am sorry Raphael...but these girls are very well trained and I believe that they are ready." he smiled at the friends. One smiled back...but the other just kept on scowling at the other hot-head.

"Well then..." Donnie said, "I guess we should get going?" he looked to Leo.

"Yea, lets go everyone!" Leo jumped up from the couch and went and stood beside Wolf, they smiled at each other. And with everyone behind them, they walked out of the lair.

"You were so going to kiss~"



Hey!! It's been forever! I am so sorry, I really hoped you like this chapter though:):)

Don't forget to vote, comment *cough* the best *cough*, and follow!!

Bye everyone:):)



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