Chapter 14-The Calm Before the Storm...

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Wolf's POV

You know, it really sucks laying on a bed. Not being able to do anything for yourself and having to stay in said bed for days. The only good part was probably the fact that I could watch endless amounts of tv and movies without Wings shaming me.

I've been bedridden for three days now. "You have to rest and get your strength up. Doctor's orders." Donnie had said that to me the first day of this forsaken destiny. Doctor's orders my foot! I hated being useless to my team!

Well, it isn't my team, per-say. But Wings and I were finally starting to fit it better with the turtles and Splinter. Things are finally starting to look up!

But, there was still one thing that plagued my mind and has been for the last couple of days. What Karai had said about something that she had that Wings and I had lost.

Wings had shown that she really didn't care about what Karai had said and I quote: "I'm more worried about you, Wolf. Just, focus on getting better. Alright?"

I had answered with what Wings had wanted to hear ("Alright"). But, I couldn't get what Karai had said out of my head.

Was it a riddle? Or a random spur of the moment thing to get me to lower my guard?

Well, whatever it is. I'm gonna figure it out, no matter what. I needed to know. I hate not knowing something or leaving something unsolved.

A knocking sound came from the door of my room, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yes?" I called out.

"Can I come in?" The voice of Leo sounded from the other side of the metal door.

Always the gentleman, I thought as I called for him to come on in. Wings would've just walked right in without a care if I was decent or not.

Leo smiled shyly at me as he awkwardly opened the door, carrying a tray of food (pizza) and a giant bag full of something in the other.

"I come bearing gifts!" He said with a smile. I smile back and my stomach then decides it'd be the opportune time to make the sound equal to that of a dying whale.

I blush as Leo chuckles quietly under his breath. He places the tray on my lap, carefully avoiding my patched up stomach. He then places the bag beside my bed and sits in the chair beside my pillow infested bed.

"You hungry?" Leo says with a grin. I scoff as I dig into the delicious taste of plain cheese pizza.

"No kihhing," I say with the pizza in my mouth.

Leo laughs and then takes a bit of his own slice. He then reaches for the bag and pulls out a DVD case and holds it up so I can see.

I gasp and beam at him. "You have to next season!? I thought if was supposed to come out next month?!"

Leo opens the DVD case of Space Heroes and puts it into the tv at the foot of my bed. "It does, but I found this one on the side of the video game store, so, seeing as it was not wanted, I took it."

I gasped, pretending to be offended. "Leonardo! Don't tell me you stole it?"

Leo grinned and then said, "Think of it as a serious case of window shopping."

And then he crawled over to the other side of the bed and pressed play, and we spend the whole afternoon talking, laughing, and fangirling/boying. It was one of the best afternoons if my life.

The one the next day? Not so much! This was the day when my stitches were scheduled to come out...yeah, wasn't looking forward to that.

Donnie assured me that he was going to make it as painless as possible. That didn't stop me from being scar-nervous, yeah nervous.

"It'll be fine Wolf," Wings rubbed my back as she consoled me. "Donnie knows what he's doing."

I stared at her with a really look and grumbled, "I know, it's just not my idea of a good time..."

"Is it anyone's idea of a good time?" Donnie asked as he prepared all the supplies. I glared at him. "Lie down please." He stated and I reluctantly did as told.

"You sterilised those right?" I asked, pointing at the scissors in his hand.

"Yes," Donnie said, starting to sound annoyed. "This isn't the first time I've done this you know."

Donnie continued, taking a cotton ball and cleaning the area of skin. "You ready?" he asked me. I just nodded, not trusting myself to speak. He carefully lifted the first knot and cut off the stitch. He did this a couple more times until they were all out. Next, Donnie grabbed some stuff to clean the wound, then put a patch on top, just in case.

"Alright," he said, smiling kindly. "All set." He helped me sit up, it still hurt a bit, but the pain was bearable.

Wings smiled at me, a sight I wish I could've caught on camera, and helped me out of the Lab. I told her I didn't need help, but she insisted.

As we walked out, I was bombarded with questions and concerns. I laughed and told Mickey that no, I wasn't going to die. And laughed when Raph whacked him on the back of the head.

My thoughts overpowered me, and I thought about how I was really starting to like it here. The turtles and Master Splinter were so very nice. And I really hoped that we could stay here much longer. I guess my thoughts really made me lose it because next things I knew, Leo was taping my should asking if I was okay.

"Of course, never been better."

Yeah, things were alright. Nothing could bring me down.

But then all of sudden April and Casey ran through the door into the Lair, both were panting and it became very silent.

"April?" Donnie asked, going over and putting a hand on her shoulder. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, we're alright," April managed to say, catching her breath.

"But the people in downtown aren't!" Casey said, also managing to catch his breath.

"Huh? What do you mean? What's going on?" Leo said, stepping in front of me, going into full leader mode.

"There's been an attack, and the Foot are still messing around downtown. We need to leave now!" April said.

"Turtles," Leo said, facing his brothers. "And Wings," he added. "Let's go, to the Van!"

Well, I guess this could...


Hey! Long time no see! Hope you liked this. Sorry for being on Hiatus for so long, I need to finish my other story first and then school started and yada yada yada.

Thanks for reading!

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