32: rough

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"you're here..." oikawa said as he stood there, door open wide just staring at the man in front of him, one that he had been dying to see once again. iwaizumi's expression was unreadable, or was it? oikawa could swear that he was also happy to see him but he also looked a bit scared. his eyes were somewhat tired with bags under them, yet the corners of his lips curled forming a smile.

"of course i am, i said i'd come over, didn't i?" iwaizumi spoke, the tone of his voice was rather soft, quiet, but just enough to put a smile on oikawa's face, his hands shaking in excitement. oikawa finally gathered himself, moving out of the doorway to invite the other in. 

"yes you did, i would have been real upset if you skipped out on me. now, come in, come in" he ushered iwaizumi in, who stepped inside with caution. he seemed to look around first, listening carefully to figure out whether or not someone was hiding inside. "what's up?"

"oh, just checking whether those idiots are here" iwaizumi answered, finally setting down the suspicious bag he had been holding on the ground. 

"do you really think i would let them ruin my night? no way" oikawa chuckled and gestured iwaizumi to follow him into the living room. the situation this time was different, last time oikawa didn't care about anything, whether his apartment was clean or whether he had food in the fridge, he was simply freezing and astounded from meeting iwaizumi for the first time.

but now everything mattered. everything had to be perfect. he had cleaned his apartment, he had gone shopping and invested in some nice led lights just so the blinding ceiling lights would no longer hurt their eyes. all that had to be done before iwaizumi came over. 

"so, you invited me, but what are we going to do?" iwaizumi suddenly turned to oikawa, his expression, this time, for sure unreadable.

"oh, i was thinking food, talk, tv show and sleep" oikawa answered cheerfully, trying to hide his increased heartbeat by tapping his fingers on the counter. who knows if iwaizumi can hear it, better not risk it.

"hmm..." iwaizumi hummed for a second making oikawa's heart go into unhealthy palpitations, the last thing he wanted was for iwaizumi to be bored. "i mean, i don't watch a lot of tv so this is gonna be nice" he finished his sentence.

oikawa almost let out a celebratory shriek but controlled himself enough, he gave iwaizumi a smile before peering inside the mystery bag. "what's here?"

"oh, i thought we could cook something and also brought some snacks and drinks" iwaizumi started taking stuff out. a bottle of soda as well as a small bottle of vodka, for cocktail purposes, grapes, chips, crackers, and various food products. "i didn't buy everything, i sort of assumed you would have the rest"

"what are we making?" oikawa took a step closer to iwaizumi, testing his bounds and how close he can get before iwaizumi feels a disturbance in his personal space. so far so good.

"well, i saw this kicking indian chicken recipe. do you have uh, onions and rice? i think i got everything else? oh! and garlic!" iwaizumi turned to oikawa, who had taken yet another step towards him, now so close their arms were basically touching, though, he didn't seem bothered at all.

oikawa thought for a second before rushing to his drawers and what not, checking what he had and what not. "rice... rice! check. okay, garlic, i see garlic.... onions.... onions.... onions.... i don't think i have onions" oikawa said as he turned to iwaizumi. "crucial?"

"yes, very. the stores are still open, wanna go? we can also get some wine" iwaizumi tried to calm oikawa down, who was slowly transitioning into panic mode. onions! freaking onions is what is his downfall? he blames shrek for this.

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