26: cherry blossoms

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the wind was howling. it produced a sound that mimicked that of a high-pitched scream somewhere in the distance. that's the only sound oikawa could hear while he stood there grounded under a cherry tree - leaves long gone, only branches stretching out and creating shadows he refused to look into.

they warped in shapes. shapes that reminded oikawa of arms, many many arms that stretched out caressing his own lone shadow under that tree.

it was cold, or was it? oikawa could not tell, he had been staring at one spot beyond the river for an undetermined amount of time now, the feeling he had in his feet or hands was long gone - they were numb, much like oikawa himself.

around his neck, apart from a scarf, was a bandage, wrapped tightly to hide the marks he wished not to think about. he exhaled deeply, refusing to look at his phone. he knew... it was late. way too late. hours past the time iwaizumi was supposed to be there.

there was no sunlight, just howling wind and tens of stars slowly coming into view. yet he refused to look, he had some faith that there will be a time when he blinks or shields his eyes from the wind and when he opens them again it will be sunlight.

it will be an evening again. people will be passing by and somewhere near him will be iwaizumi - the one person oikawa chose to open up to. they will talk and by the end of the night iwaizumi might even offer a warm hug - who knows.

yet everytime he opened his eyes again he was met by the nighy view of the city and branches of trees stretching to touch his shadow slowly.

minutes pass.

wind get stronger.

somewhere in the distance, there are footsteps, rushed ones.

oikawa closes his eyes...

and when he opens them he sees a figure of a man, hiding in one of the shadows of a tree, out of breath, panting.

"you're still here..." the figure speaks in a familiar low tone, one that oikawa was used to hearing only through the speaker of his phone. a shiver runs down his skin, as he focuses his gaze on the man.

"i figured... you'd come eventually" oikawa lies, refusing to accept that he was about to lose hope.

"... i had to think about it" the man speaks again, his form still in the shadows, hiding from oikawa's view.

"were you going to skip out on me?" oikawa asks, his voice cracks at the end as he feels blood rushing to his cheeks over such a trivial thing.

"i thought about it" the figure answers, there's doubt in his voice, maybe a pinch of sadness. "... but i couldn't bring myself to. i guess i wanted to see you more than i was afraid of the consequences"

"and i waited...for you" oikawa watches as the figure emerges from the shadow, the tall form finally coming together into view.

his sneakers are a bit dirty, he must have run through shortcuts to make it here, his black pants matching his jacket, his hair cut short and his piercing eyes staring back at oikawa.

his knuckles... injured, and so is his lip - busted. without much thought oikawa takes a few confident steps in his direction, he watches as iwaizumi stumbles a step back. oikawa reaches for him, grabbing his sleeve to prevent him from running away.

a thought pops up in oikawa's mind - as iwaizumi looks him right in the eyes, he reminds oikawa of a lost puppy. with gentle motions his cold fingers touch the busted lip ever so gently, inspecting the wound and wiping away the remnants of blood.

iwaizumi averts his gaze.

oikawa's eyes then travel down iwaizumi's hands as he gently lifts one of them up, feeling his guts wrench at the sight of his damaged knuckles.

"what happened on the way here?" oikawa asks quietly, barely a whisper in between the howls of the wind.

"i got frustrated." he answers, still refusing to look at oikawa.

"is the other person okay?" oikawa asks again, he watches as iwaizumi's body tenses up but relaxes a moment later.

"they should be but part of me wishes they weren't, mugging someone is a crime" he says. oikawa nods in agreement. "aren't you afraid of me?"

"why would i be?"

finally iwaizumi turns his gaze to oikawa, the hand the latter was holding moves, iwaizumi presses his warm palm against oikawa's freezing cheek - the other naturally leans into it. "i'm not a good person" he says.

"not a good person? would a bad person be so gentle as you? would a bad person rush in cold weather to meet someone they hadn't seen before? would a bad person protect others from genuinely bad people?" oikawa questions, his eyes closed as the heat from iwaizumi's palm penetrates deep into his skin. "you're not a bad person, iwaizumi. you're damaged, yes, but aren't we all?"

after these words there is silence. iwaizumi stares at oikawa, his heart slowly speeds up, pumping out of proportion as he watches oikawa calmly open his eyes. they look at each other, there's something in the air - tension of some sort, but neither say a word. they just allow their feelings and the atmosphere carry them wherever they need to be.

oikawa finally moves his head away from iwaizumi's hand, caressing it gently once again. "you're afraid of yourself, iwaizumi. you're afraid of things you might do to people you care about...you're afraid you will hurt them" as oikawa brings up iwaizumi's hand up to his cold lips, pressing them lightly against the injured knuckles. "but i know you would never do that, you could have by not coming here - yet here you are..." he whispers.

iwaizumi feels a rush of blood, his head feels lighter and the cold air has seemingly cleared his consciousness. now that he can see clearer, he notices just how angelic oikawa looks illuminated by the night lights.

"... do you trust me?" he asks, quietly and watches as his gaze meets oikawa's. there's something in his eyes.

"of course i do."




my god they have finally met

can u believe that??

not marriage pls

hope u enjoyed!


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