17: himbos

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"and then, like, you're supposed to put the cake in the freezer? like who does that?" kuroo threw his hands in the air.

"i mean... i put oil in the freezer once because i wanted it to be colder but.... it froze" nishinoya shrugged while the others just stared at him in awe - damn, what a dumbass.

"so, where are the two other ones? ah..." bokuto sighed, his head dizzy from listening to kuroo's rants about the great british bake off and how he could kick everybody's ass. he ended up calling bokuto and ranted for at least four hours about how his cakes would be better.

he ranted for at least an hour about how they always fail at making caramel decorations and how he could make much better ones in a matter of minutes, then he went on a rant about his hatred for fondant and dry cake bases... it was quite a speech to handle.

just as kuroo was about to say something a sudden weight jumped on his back, almost tackling him to the ground. "you big cat, i am getting revenge!", he yelled. "you left me on read!"

kuroo managed to shake him off. once the other was on the ground, they all admired his beautiful green jacket - it really did fit him. it was part of his personality, just like everything else he owned. green jackets, green pants, green hats, his apartment was green, his phone case was green and even his nails were painted green.

"so, where is he? where is iwaizumi?" hinata wondered as his eyes scanned the area, his hands digging for his phone to spam iwaizumi with messages.

"shoyo... you jump on me again and we will have problems." kuroo said through gritted teeth. "he's not here yet, also why do you know his name? who the fuck snitched?"

"we should call him... and it was me," nishinoya said, his voice quiet, whipping his phone out of his pocket and immediately firing up the app.

"if he bails, i will punch him" hinata looked around. "i've been waiting to meet him and see the most dangerous addiction of all"

"we need to get it out of him one way or another" bokuto sighed. "if he shares, it will be easier to help him. but also, it will help us understand him better" he continued as the others nodded.

sure they were a squad of absolute morons, i mean, massive idiots, like enormous dumbasses who constantly found themselves doing embarrassing stuff - but one thing they had was care and trust for each other.

so with iwaizumi, as part of the group, they felt like they wanted to know him even more. help him overcome. whatever was troubling was taking a toll on him, they could see.

"hey says he's here," nishinoya said as he looked up from his phone. the three others started looking around as well, trying to spot anything that would indicate that the man himself had arrived on the scene.

usually, the four of them would meet up often, so they all had been looking forward to meeting iwaizumi for the first time, the fifth official member of the himbo squad and a man that, from texts, seems like a completely normal person.

"uhm... guys?" they heard a voice coming from behind them. as they turned around they were faced with a man, medium height. shorter than kuroo and bokuto, but taller than nishinoya and hinata.

his face looked like it was sculpted by gods themselves, with well-defined facial features: slanted but sharp eyes, a pointy nose, lips that were not too thin and not too plump. his jawline and cheekbones stood out just enough to make him even more attractive than before. the one thing on his thing that was not in place was a bruise on his cheek.

he was dressed in a simple but nice outfit. overall, the four of them were stricken with his looked and his voice, he had a calming vibe to himself - and... nothing about him screamed "dangerous addiction".

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