Knowing the real you

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"After crossing thousand layer of your fake feelings, I saw the real you"          ~mu

Rakshit - 

I don't know what to say, my mind is not at peace. Yesterday drishti breakdown was something I never want to witness nor I wanted it to happen again .. I felt her self hate, her thoughts of blaming herself for everything.. 

Our kiss was the best first kiss of my life.. my intensions were just to make her stop and I ended up crashing my lips on her.. God I just love her .. 

Yeah I love her .. It took me few days to realize that my feeling for her is love.. especially after last night I can't even think of loosing her .. her tears make me so weak .. I just want her to simple and laugh .. for that I need to know what is the exact thing that made her think so bad about herself.. for that I have to force her to reveal her past.. I know it is wrong but now it is for her own good. 

Today started at a good note , I decided to go to our farmhouse as she also want to spend her time with me and it is the best place for that. we watched movie and spend some quality time together.. and finally I made her remember her promise.. she was sitting beside me and I took her in my lap .. I know she will try to run away for me .. 

"I am all ears you can start.. " 

"but let me sit down, why are you taking me in your lap ?"

"so that you don't run away " she huffed but hugged me placed her head on my shoulder.

" I was never a silent person, I was loud, bold, happy, and what not ..  I was only child of my parents  later they adopted my brother as well.. from childhood I was apple of their eyes , my whole world revolve around them and I was their life.. they love me to death,, I was a good dancer, from a very small age I started dancing .. dancing  was  more than passion for me .. and for them I was their superstar.. I never lack anything in my life.. my every wishes were fulfilled but they also made sure that I don't grew up as a spoiled kid.. I was spoiled, I never step a foot in kitchen, I don't know many things that most of the girls knew.. everything was going so great.. people were used to get jealous of me.. I was their princess.. "

"but one day everything changed..  I was dancing on a national level competition , I told them to come soon to watch my show.. I was so excited so happy... I was over the moon.. they were also happy for me .. I was at the auditorium since morning.. but they were going to came latter.. but I was so excited and anxious that I wanted them with me very soon, but little did I knew that this was the last time I was calling them .. "

"I was continuously calling them mumma was picking up so I was called papa.. I was telling them to come soon .. they were trying to make me understand that they are coming as fast as they can .. due to my continuous complains they increased their speed and soon"

"I heard a crash .. I got froze .. I was talking with them I heard their car crashed.. I heard their cry .. I heard their last words.. I heard them saying love you to me and my brother.. I heard them saying to take care of myself .. I heard them, I heard everything .. people shouting .. some were saying it was truck drivers fault some were saying that they were driving fastly.. 

"I was on phone all the time , frozen,, I didn't even realize that I was crying people around me started noticing my state .. they tried to everything.. I was silently crying but I thought there is still hope so I ran from the hall and try to contact their number after cutting the call.. so that someone just see it and someone did .. they told me that they were took them to hospital .. "

"I ran all the way to hospital... the hospital was not far... but when I reach their I saw them lying on the bed with a small smile on their face and they........ "

she started crying so bitterly .. 

"they left me.. they were dead on the spot .. they were talking last time with me .. only because of me I was the one because of which they increased their speed.. I was the one who told them to come soon .. I was the one to blame .. because of me .. me and my brother lost their parents.. bhai was in london that time.. he didn't knew that our parents were not any more... " 

" because of me rakshit .. I was the one who lead them to their death .. I was.. " 

she was crying non stop .. her breathing started becoming heavy.. I hugged her tightly tried to calm her down and made her drink water.. we stayed like that I don't know till how long.. she was crying silently , her tears were making my shirt wet.. but I let her be because I knew how much she is storing inside her.. I know how hard when your close one left you .. I still not completely over my father death.. I still miss him so much.. 

I soon realized that I am not hearing drishti's voice.. saw that she slept sue to exhaustion.. Their are still many questions in my mind .. who were exactly her parents was .. who is her brother? how she is here ? but I choose to stay silent.. I know I will get the answers in the future .. for now I need to cure her from all the hurt and her guilt .. she need to start love herself.. she need to except that this was not her fault .. It was destiny .. 

I took her in our room and I also slept with her.. I woke up when I felt someone is trying to move my arm.. I saw drishti is trying to move herself from my arm.. and almost got succeed but I tighten my arms and pull her closer to myself .. 

"Where are you trying to go ?"

"nowhere just going to look for dinner.. what all we have here." she said not meeting my eyes... 

"Drishti tell me what is bothering you .. we both know after your breakdown you must have many questions for me and I also know you must have made assumption about my views over you .. "

"Why are you so calm? Why are you not leaving me? why are you still behaving like this with after knowing what all I have done .. "

"First of all whatever happened was fate, nothing was your fault ... stop cursing yourself .. you also know that even if you were not talking with them something like that could happen.. it was all faith.. I will never hate you nor I will leave you .. you know my father death was also a shocker for me , you know mum took care of us.. but I still felt my father absence in our life.. you know after father's death I don't want to marry because I saw my mother cry for him in nights  .. I saw her struggling with everything .. I saw her doing everything for us only .. I don't want to love anyone so that I don't have to feel the pain of separation,- "

"but when first time I saw your photo I can't help myself but fell in love with you .. " her eyes went  wide on my confession.. and I laughed  we never confessed our feelings.. but we both know that there is something between us. 

"don't make such expression .. from the first look of your photo I knew that there is a sadness in your heart and eyes, I really want to remove .. so I agreed to marry you.. now we need to do one important thing"

"you will know soon"

HEY.... HII.. 





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