Seeing her past -2

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Rakshit - 

Drishti fall unconscious , before she can touch the ground I held her.. God drishti How many times I told her not to scare me like that .. Everyone started panicing , I picked her up in my arms and rushed to our room.. everyone is rushed with me.. I made her lay down and quickly called doctor... 

Soon doctor arrived .. and checked her .. we cleared him her about drishti's conditions .. Sid also told her about the argument which was taking place before she lost consciousness and also about their parent's dealth. 

" I think patient is suffering from psychological conditions. She is suffering from PTSD, Post - traumatic stress disorder. PTSD develops in some people after they experience or witness an event that threatens their life or safety, or that of others around them. The Symptoms include vivid memories, feeling constantly on edge and avoiding reminders of the event. " The doctor explained aout PTSD.. and than he continued 

" Just like you told about her outbrust before she fainted. she suffered from lossing parents and she was on call with them whoe the time .. Did she told anyone about this whole incidence?"

" yeah doctor ... she told me about that she was in call with her parents all the time but she never told me the whole thing.. she never told us who is her parents from where she came and never like to talk about it .. when  she shared this information with me after that as well she had an anxiety attack .. she started speaking rubbish and blaming herself for everything .. It was very hard to control her. " I replied remembering how she started to talk about leaving her and all.. 

" just like I thought , the caused of PTSD is her guilt as well as lossing someone  so close to her .. usually when a person loose their loved ones, they tend to mourn  for sometime but after that they except the reality but  this is not the case here ... she have never mourned for her parents. she blamed herself for everything and decided to erase every memory of that time ..She left everything that make her remember their memories .. from my prospective  I don't think she ever cried after their death nor shared her emotions with anyone except for Mr. Shergill and it must have took a lot of courage , but still she didn't reveal everything .. I suggest you all try to talk to her or make her confess her emotions and feelings .. and if she don't than make appointment with some pschyologist. I will suggest you to my friend.  For now I have given her injection , she will wake up in 1 hour.  " Doctor suggested us making us shock .. 

How much she had faced ? How much she had bloated up inside her ? 

After hearing everything sid sat down on sofa , simran went to his side, consoling him.. mom and others were to shock to say anything..

" Rakshit take care of drishti and sid and simran rest for sometime .. and shikhar you also go to your room.. Rakshit as soon as drishti wakes up call us.. " mom said and everyone started leaving the room.. 

"Wait .. Rakshit can you please call the family with drishti staying .. I want to know what exactly happened and How ? how she managed to hide from everyone and everything? and yeah hand me her phone.. " Sid said getting up from the sofa 

"Why you want her phone?" I asked him .. 

" To check ofcourse.. " he picked her phone which was on  the side table and tried to open it.. 

"What is the password? " he asked till now everyone went out except him and me .. 

"How would I know that? "

"SHe is your wife .. "

"So .. that doesn't give me right to interfere in her privacy .. I respect her privacy. " 

" you know I know this is not correct time but I passed you to be my sister's husband ." and saying that he went out ..

"Hey I am already her husband.. " but he was lonng gone.. 

I sat beside drishti and started stroking her hair and can't stop myself from kissing her forehead.. I don't know for how much time I sat their .. not saying anything only kissing her forehead time to time .. I hope she will wake up soon... 

" you know drishti .. you made me so much worried .. my hair will get white fast, than what will happen? " 

" nothi-ng will happ-en you are already married" than I heard her voice.. 

"God drishti you scared everyone .. never do this again.. " I hugged her tightly assuring myself that she is fine .. 

" I am fine.. "

" yeah we saw that.. " I scolded her.. 

She tried to getup and I helped her.. made her drink some water... 

" I have so much to answer na .. "  she said looking directly into my eyes.. 

" don't worry everything will be fine.. " 

Hey everyone.. 

Here is update ..

actually this part was part of last part but I was unable to justify the emotions in last part so I ended up writing rest in 2nd part .. 

hope you all like it ... 

Thank you .. 

love you all.. 


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