Chapter 12- Wrong Truth and right lies

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Note: All the pictures used in the grid above are from Pinterest. I don't own any of them

Christian's POV
It was finally time.

I looked at the envelope in my hand and then at Hayley who was just as anxious as I was.

Sighing, I opened the letter with trembling hands

Here goes nothing.
Kai's POV

This new piece of information was the only thing in my mind right now and I couldn't stop thinking about it, it hurts.

As I drove to her place, i could think of several ways this conversation would go.


The door swing opened and her face met mine

"Hello Katherine"
Hayley's POV
As Christian opened the letter and scanned its contents with an emotionless face, I could feel my stomach tie itself in knots and my entire body started trembling with fear.

This was something either very complicated or very simple, we could either find a way or get stuck with it forever and i- I would have to choose between two of the people I love the most.

Christian looked at me and I met his eyes

A smile appeared on his face.

"I told you, he is not my son."

My entire body relaxed and my heart warmed.
I let out a small relaxed laugh and closed my eyes to ensure that I was not dreaming that the misery was finally over.

Without a moment Christian pulled me in for a hug and I couldn't help but hug him back like this was the last one. I hugged him close and put my face on the crook of his neck.

Kai's POV
"Hello Katherine"

Saying that Katherine was happy to see me is an understatement. She looked like she was waiting for my arrival since forever.

As she gave me space to step in, I took in the interior of the house. Warm and cozy, unlike Katherine.

She closed the door behind me and sighed

"Let me guess, you know that-"

"Oh I know that Elijah is your son but-"

Her face expression changed

"But-but what" she tensed visibly and I could tell I was right. She was lying

I bought my face close to her and whispered "but not Christian's"

She took a step back; all the color draining from her face and her eyes flashed full fear.

This is the second time I have seen Katherine so worried, I like it.

"What do you want kai" she spoke gently

"From you? Why do u think I would want something from someone like you?"

"Think about it" she said as she took a step forward suddenly seeming very confident

She placed a hand on my shoulder and walked around me

"You love Hayley, I love Christian but fate made both of them love each other"


"So it still doesn't mean that they can end up together"

"Katherine how are you-"

"Listen to this first kai; I'm sure you will like it"
Christian's POV
As I had Hayley in my arms, everything seemed perfect. I could imagine what I hadn't thought in years

A family. Yes, I wanted a family now

As I pulled apart to say her something my phone buzzed

"Can we meet?"

I wanted to ignore it, block her number but it was important

I kissed Hayley and asked her to wait for me that I had to take care of some things with George.

I obviously couldn't tell her who I was going to meet, she's so pissed by this point, she might kill her the moment she sees her

I made my way out and drove to the location
She was already there; I got out of the car and with the envelope in my hand, stormed towards her

Hayley's POV
While I was waiting for Christian I wanted to do something a little special and dinner sounded perfect so I started preparing his favorite meal.

As I got into cooking I heard my phone ring
Picking it up I saw Kai's name and instantly picked it up

"Hayley where are you?" he sounded urgent

"Home, why?"

"I Christian with you?"

"He was a while ago; he left with George saying he as some work"

I could hear some ruffling behind the phone but couldn't make out what exactly it was

"Hayley I need you to hear this carefully"


"Christian isn't with George, he lied to you"


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