Chapter 26- A trip to Heaven

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Note: All the pictures used in the grid above are from Pinterest. I don't own any of them

Christian's POV
As I held her in my arms, everything around me disappeared; it was just me and her. 

As we moved along with the slow music, everyone seemed calm as they danced. It really felt like a dream

"Hey?" she looked into my eyes and asked me

"Hi" I smiled softly

"Seems unreal doesn't it?"

"With you holding in my arms, definitely"

She giggled softly. God she is heavenly beautiful

"From now on, it's going to be me, can you live with that" she joked

"It was always you Hayley, always you"

She closed the gap between us as she kissed me softly portraying all her feelings in that one sensational kiss.

"Oooo look at them" Leo said and we pulled back

"Why do you always have such an incredible timing Leo" I asked rather irritated

"Sorry bro, well I'm guessing you told her"

Hayley looked at me confused

"Told me what?"

"Uh oh, I should go" Leo chuckled as he left

"I hate you" I mouthed to him which he seemed to notice

I looked at her

"It's nothing bad, I just booked us a good trip to Paris, and we leave tomorrow"

Her pupils dilated and shock was written all over her face

"You really did??" she asked excitedly and I just smiled


As it got darker I finally decided to leave since it was tiring now, we met with everyone, said our goodbyes and left

Next morning I woke up on an empty bed, I glanced around me and it looked like Hayley was almost done packing.

I made my way out and to the kitchen where I saw her cooking something, she didn't notice me so I just slipped behind her and hugged her

She seemed a little startled but instantly relaxed in my embrace

"We leave soon" she said but I wasn't even listening

I kissed her neck when a soft moan escaped her lips

"Christian" she whispered

I turned her around so she was facing me and she was blushing

I kissed her softly on the lips and we made our ways upstairs to get ready

I took her to the airport where a private jet was waiting for us

"We have it to ourselves?" she asked astonished

"We do love" I said as I pulled her close to me.

Hayley's POV
It felt like I was living in a constant dream with everything happening around me. Getting married to the most handsome man is just one.

As we got seated in the plane I couldn't help but feel emotional, I don't know why.

The flight wasn't that long I guess, I don't remember a lot of it since I just slept.

Waking up in the city of light and romance was exceptional, the lights, the beauty but most importantly the company beside me.

We checked in our hotel and made our way to the room. The view from here was breathtaking; the entire city was shining in the bright lights in this dark night.

As admired the view, Christian wrapped his hands around my waist and kissed the bare parts of my shoulder sending chills down my spine. He turned me around so that I was facing him and pulled me in for a passionate kiss.

The kiss was long and desiring leaving me for more.

I changed into a somewhat better outfit when i noticed someone opening the door

"I am not-" I couldn't finish when I turned around and his eyes met mine, burning with desire. He came forward and too my hands in his, intertwining our fingers.

He breathed lightly but it sent Goosebumps through my entire body

WARNING- the interaction is a little mature so you can skip this entire chapter from here if you want to

"Can you help me with the zip?" I whispered as I turned around giving him room

His knuckles brushed against my bare skin as he undid the dress zip. Gazing into his now darkened eyes made my hot body even hotter, tying knots in my stomach

His darkened gaze travelled my body hungrily as I stepped out of my dress.

I think I heard him make a sound but he instantly came closer, cupped my cheeks and placed a light kiss on my lips.

His lips were barely even touching mine but it was more than enough to leave me breathless. He traced my lips and neck placing small kisses.

He sucked my neck earning a moan from me as I shivered in excitement. I tugged on his hair, pulling him closer to me as my arms wrapped around his neck.

He kissed me while pushing me back until my back hit something soft, a bed? He came on top of me as he kissed every part of my body, caressing my thighs in process.

Adrenaline rush through me as i became hot nearly in every part of my body, his one touch making my body respond hungrily.

I slowly undid his shirt and he did the same with my clothes. My breath hitched in my throat as anticipation ran through me but it only came out as a moan turning him on even more

He kissed my inner thighs softly and looked at me making eye contact.

I closed my eyes as he slowly worked his way through me but it still did hurt like a b*tch.

Our bodies moved in rhythm as I moaned his name even louder not caring about anything. Pain and pleasure ran through my entire body as I desperately wanted more.

I leaned into his chest and he wrapped his hand around me. He sucked my earlobe as I fought back another moan. 

I placed soft kisses on his neck, near and collar bone as he growled desperately moving faster.

I closed my eyes once again as it hit me and soon I was light as anything with all the pleasure.


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