Chapter 23- Reunions

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Note: All the pictures used in the grid above are from  Pinterest. I don't own any of them

Christian's POV
I know everyone must be thinking why my brothers aren't my first choice, actually they were, they would be

But after everything that happened, I could tell I gained a friend of a brother.

We may have gotten off on the wrong foot, had our ups and downs but we were still there for each other through all of the problems.

I already asked Lucas and surprisingly it was his idea to ask kai, so here we go

"Bro can you meet me tomorrow?"

"Sure is everything good?"

"Yes it is, I'll just tell you the time and place?"


I ended the call and soon drifted off to sleep

Hayley's POV
It was the next day that I was getting ready to meet Sara, I don't know if she was expecting it but it felt right to do so.

I spotted her sitting on one of the tables of the café and made my way to her

"Hey" she stood up for a hug upon noticing me

"Hey, how are you?" I asked as I sat down

After a little bit of chit chat I decided to ask her the-question

"I was wondering if you wanted to be my bridesmaid."

She looked taken aback by my words. We weren't the closest of friends but I did genuinely care about her and I feel this was the best way to show it

"Omg yes I will" she spoke excitedly as she hugged me again. I hugged her back genuinely happy that at least it was a start

We later made our ways to the mall for a day of random shopping and all the girly fun.

We were soon joined by Elijah who finally came back from Mathew's house

All of us had a pretty good day that I almost forgot about Christian.

As I lay in my bed with Elijah I wondered what he would be doing right now, if I should call him or not

"You better not" I glanced up to see my mom leaned against the door


"You're thinking about calling Christian right, you can't"

"How do you-"

"I know everything" she said with a laugh and made her way out

"Oh and there's someone to meet you"

I got up, made my way downstairs and into the living room

"Dad!!" I said excitedly



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