Chapter 9- Past in the present

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Note: All the pictures used in the grid above are from  Pinterest. I don't own any of them

Christian's POV
This couldn't be true. How is this even possible?

I called Katherine and asked her to meet me so she could confirm whatever shit this was

I was storming through the traffic eager to find out the truth.

Almost 30 minutes later I reached a cafe and saw Katherine there already. She smiled whole heartedly but I just shrugged

I sat opposite to her and showed her the envelope
She placed it down instead of reading it.

"Don't you want to know what is in there?"

"I already know it baby"

"Don't call me that Katherine, it disgusts me"

She pouted in response and I just sighed

"Tell me why you called Hayley and said all that?"

She placed her hands calmly on the table and looked at me

"I didn't say anything wrong Christian, its time you hear the truth"

Hayley's POV
It was kai's day off and we decided to spend the day at home with Elijah giving him most of our time.

He was feeling a lot better now which lifted both mine and kai's mood.

We were currently sitting on the sofa with Elijah snuggled in between us and we were watching his favorite movie for the 5th time this week

Little guy has been obsessed with cars lately and is been watching the Disney movie "cars 2" on loop. He has already bought all the possible cars he saw in the movie.

I loved how happy these little things were making him and I loved how he let me be a part of it.

Adopting him was the best decision of my life and I will never let him go.

Kai's tap on my shoulder bought me back and I saw him staring at me

"Are u okay?"

I just nodded my head and smiled. He placed a hand on my shoulder and I shifted a little closer. We spent the entire afternoon like that

Christian's POV
"Fuc*ing speak Katherine"

"Christian-" She stopped

"What is it Katherine?"

"THAT CHILD IS MINE" she blurted out all of a sudden.

I was taken aback by her choice and confusion in words so I looked at her hoping she would rephrase it but she didn't

Finally I broke the silence

"But this envelope-"

"He is our child Christian"

It took me a minute to process that.

"Are u mad" I stood up after things clicked. This is not true.

"You are fuc*ing insane Katherine, think what u just said"

"I'm not insane Christian. I know what I am saying, the truth."

"But Katherine-"


"But that was-"


I closed my mouth.

"Why did you not tell me then?" I knew she was lying. Why would she not tell me if it was my child?

"Think about it Christian, how were u like six years ago?"

Giving it a thought all I remembered was a guy who had a different woman every other night, didn't care about things and was only interested in parties

Katherine, as if reading me, let out a sigh and said "yes, do you think you would have accepted him?"

NO. This was the answer m brain was giving me. I wasn't ready to be a father back then I would've asked her-

"To get rid of him" she said.

She took a step towards me and looked me in my eyes

"He is our son Christian"


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