Chapter 14- Complications

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Note: All the pictures used in the grid above are from Pinterest. I don't own any of them

Hayley's POV
As he looked at me, realization hit his face but I was done.

I took kai's hand and pulled him out of there so that we could leave this fu*king stupid place

I could hear Christian's shouting behind me but I ignored it, all of it. The hurt, the tears, the name-him.

I quickly sat in the car and kai did too. He sat beside me but didn't drive

I looked at him

"Kai, drive!"

"Hayley we should-"


And he did. He started the engine and we drove off. I could see Christian standing in the middle of the road behind me in the mirror as I got away from him

Kai dropped me to Christian's house and I asked him to wait so I could pack my things and we could leave
He tried to convince me that this is where I belong but I as too hurt to think normally now.

Tears flowed down my cheeks as I picked up the last of my things and closed the door behind me

With one last look I left his place, never intending to come back here.

Christian's POV
I messed up, big time

I hurried to get into my car convincing myself I could still make things right but I was wrong.

As I opened my car door, Katherine appeared from nowhere and sat in the passenger's seat

"Katherine get off"

"It is my fault; I have to make this right Christian"

I didn't waste a single second; I sped the car through the busy roads and soon made my way home

As I hurriedly opened the door I saw she had already been here, and taken her stuff

My heart broke seeing this, I am fuc*ing stupid

"She is at kai's place" Katherine said from behind me and I realized kai was there with her that time
He definitely took her there

I left my house with Katherine following behind me
We pulled into kai's driveway and I knocked on the door


No response

"I don't think they're letting you in Christian, let's go"

"NO, I am not leaving here until I explain things to her"

I was about to knock again when the door swung open and Elijah came from inside with kai following behind

I looked at Katherine but she looked away not meeting any of our eyes.

"Uncle Christian" he squeaked. I picked him up in my arms and hugged him

"Where is mommy Elijah?"

"She was with daddy, why?"

"Just asking"

I placed him down and my eyes met kai's
He seemed furious at me and he had a solid reason to be

Kai invited us in but Katherine insisted to leave
I asked her to stay after all it was her fault

We waited for kai to call Hayley but the wait was taking unexpectedly long and every passing minute, my hope of seeing her was fading

"I don't think I am ever seeing her again"

Katherine turned to me and shook her head

"It is not your fault Christian"

She was giving me false hopes, great.

"I have lost her forever"

"You definitely have Christian" someone spoke from behind me


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